30 April 2016

A great find this morning was a singing Corn Bunting in fields behind the west bank that later proved mobile & elusive but is probably still in the area. This bird was alternating it’s typical jangling, ‘glass-splintering’ song with a convincing rendition of Yellowhammer song and is almost certainly the same bird that spent part of last summer north of the Ogston recording area at Alice Head. With singing Yellowhammers in the same area this bird could prove difficult to re-find but is an increasingly rare bird in the county with only three records in 2014. A Cuckoo sang briefly, the second new bird for the year. Also 2 Mute Swans, Pink-footed Goose, drake Shoveler, 7 Gadwall, c10 Teal, 9 Common Sands, 2 Common Terns & 4 Swifts.


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