JMNR 31 March 2014

Buzzard in the Horse Chestnut at the entrance and later in the large Ash, Blackbird, Blue Tit, Carrion Crow, Chiffchaff, Dunnock, Goldfinch, Mute Swan (2 flew over), Pheasant, Robin, Song Thrush, Wood Pigeon.
Frogs in the middle, bottom and hide ponds.
In flower: Blackthorn (H5), Coltsfoot (C3b), Cowslip (C5b), Daisy (Track), Dandelion (Track, C4d, C5b), Dog Violet (C5b), Dog’s Mercury (C5b), Lesser Celandine (C1, C2, C4a, C4c, C5b, C6a, C6b), Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage (C6a, C6b), Strawberry (C5b)

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