31 October 2015

Lots of birds on the move which made the arrival of thick fog at 0800 more frustrating than usual. Nevertheless counts of 660 Fieldfares & 640 Redwings were obtained. Also a Rock Pipit  and two late Swallows flew south. A male Goshawk put in at least two appearances, the second of which saw it carrying prey escorted by a pair of Carrion Crows. Also at least ten Mandarins, 3 Wigeon, 7 Gadwall and the Red-b-Goose. A trickle of gulls through included 11 Herring Gulls, 6 Common Gulls, 7 LBBGulls and the first Great b-b Gull for a while in addition to the regular ad Yellow-l-Gull.

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