24 February 2016

33 Greylag & 71 Canada Geese, 11 Gadwall, 3 Shoveler, 31 Teal, 19 Pochard, 21 Tufted Ducks, 3 Goldeneye, 5 Little & 10 G.C.Grebes, 2 Oystercatchers, 20 C.Snipe, 91 Lapwings, 2 Grey Wagtails, Brambling on the feeders and a Redpoll over. In the gull roost c2000 Black-headeds, c10 Common, c200 G.B.B’s, c50 L.B.B’s & c400 Herring Gulls. Lots of variation as always but nothing unusual, though a bit of help would have been nice.

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