15 November 2016

A family party of four (2 ad + 2 juv) Brent Geese were present on the north bank early afternoon after arriving from the south at 1350, being of the pale-bellied race ‘hrota’ this is an exceptional county record as most are of the dark-bellied Russian/Siberian race ‘bernicla’, though Brent Geese in general are rare in the county. This is the largest number recorded at Ogston and the 158th species recorded this year. Also c100 Pinkfeet east, 73 Greylags, 8 Goosander, 3 Dunlin, 300+ Greenfinches and 200+ Stock Doves on the sunflowers , 2 Brambling and c30 Redpolls by the fisherman’s (south) car park.

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