Whisby NR, Lincoln then RSPB Langford Lowfields

Meeting Point: Visitor’s Centre car park (see map below/LN6 9BW). The reserve is brown signed from the roundabout on the A46 at the end of the dual carriageway Time: 09:30 Lunch: bring drink and packed lunch if you want to stay out into the afternoon.  There is a cafe at the Visitor’s Centre  Transport: Members cars Cost: free Leader: Steve Slack & Andy Marshall

A few years ago, this reserve was renown as one of the northerly sites where Nightingales could be heard and seen. Sadly no mor, however, the reserve will be alive with returning migrants with a good chance of seeing many of them including the elusive Garden Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat.  There’s also a large visitor’s centre with café and seating outside for those that bring their own sandwiches

Walking is flat and straight forward.whisby-nature-parkAfter lunch, there’s the opportunity to return home via RSPB Langford Lowfields.  Located about 3 miles north of Newark on the A1133 (NG23 7QL).  Details can be found by clicking the link to their website below.  In the last two years, the stars of the show here are the hunting Hobbies with up to 4 seen at any one time.

Langford Lowfields