23 January 2017

52 Greylags with the first-winter Pinkfoot and just one (injured) Canada Goose, 5 Gadwall, 3 Wigeon, 13 Tufted Ducks, 2 Pochard, 2 Goldeneye, 2 Goosander, 54 G.C.Grebes (most so far this winter), c150 Lapwings, 17 Snipe, 3+ Sparrowhawks, male Kestrel, 96 Redwings & a Willow Tit. The gull roost was basically poor with low numbers and many birds moving on before dark, despite this the final gathering of c30 B.H.Gulls & c200 ‘bigs’ included a juvenile Glaucous Gull & a second-winter Yellow-legged Gull.

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