This privacy notice tells members of OBC what the club does with the information it collects about you, how it keeps your data secure and up to date, for how long it is retained and what your rights are under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
What information does OBC collect about you?
The only personal information OBC collects about members is only that which serves the legitimate interests of the club. This information is that provided by you on the membership form. This is restricted to:
Name, postal address, phone number/s, Gift Aid eligibility, email address.
In addition, and in order to comply with health and safety regulations, OBC keeps records of members attending work parties.
Who does OBC share your information with?
OBC will not share your personal data with any external organisations unless required to by law.
What OBC uses your data for?
Members’ personal data are used only for enabling legitimate communication between the club and its members. This includes notification of: membership renewal, health and safety matters related to OBC, details of AGM/EGM meetings, annual report delivery date/s, club events e.g. trips, monthly birding walks and open days and ad hoc organisational matters that may affect members such as work parties which might disrupt normal day to day activities. In addition, OBC will use your personal data in order to send newsletters and to communicate the results of ‘Photo of the Month’ competition.
How OBC keeps your personal data up to date?
The committee ensures that the club has a membership secretary who is trained to maintain the membership database. In addition, the membership secretary carries out annual renewals thus giving members a yearly opportunity to make changes to their personal details. More frequent changes to personal data will only be made when a member contacts the membership secretary in writing with any amendments.
How OBC keeps your personal information secure?
The OBC charity is the data controller and will perform the processes listed above. Personal data are stored within a database in an encrypted format. Your data can only be accessed and processed by two members of the committee, the membership secretary and the committee member in charge of IT systems who both have access to the password protected data. Both individuals have attended training on GDPR.
How long does OBC retain your information?
Membership subscriptions are due on 1stJanuary. If you choose not to renew, your data will be removed as soon as you notify the membership secretary in writing or on 1stSeptember of that same year if we haven’t heard from you. The exception to this is if you’ve made a Gift Aid declaration in which case we are legally required to retain your data for 6 years.
Other Communications that may be of interest
If the committee feel that members may find an item unrelated to club matters, of interest, it communicates this by email only. Members wishing to receive emails on bird related, non-club matters can opt in to the system when joining or renewing their membership. Members who don’t wish to receive this form of communication will receive club-based communications only.
Your Data and your Rights
You have a right to ask for a copy of the information that we hold about you. To do this you must apply in writing to the Membership Secretary (address on website) enclosing a stamped self addressed envelope. Expect a reply within one calendar month.
In the event that you are not satisfied with the way that the club has treated your request/complaint, you can refer the matter to the Information Commissioner. ( Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or
Tel. 0303 123 1113.