JMNR Sightings – 1st May 2018

From logbook – Ian W

6 pheasant eggs smashed in block C2. 1 Brown Hare by pumphouse. 1 Blackbird, 2 Mandarin.

Sightings Nikki M – midday 14C

Woodpigeon, Magpie, Chiffchaff, Pheasant (heard), Blackbird, Whitethroat, Blue tit, Great tit.  10 Orange tip, 5 Peacock, 1 GV White, 1 unidentified White, Small Tortoiseshell (worn), Comma, Brimstone. Micro moth (Grapholita jungiella). St Mark’s Fly, a hoverfly (Rhingia rostrata), a hoverfly (Rhingia campestris, Common Carder Bee, Bee fly (Bombylius major). Newt in Bottom Pond, wasp. In flower: Cowslip, Dandelion, Forget-me-not, Daisy, Ground Ivy,Lesser Celandine, Bluebell, Wood Anemone, Common Sorel, opp. Leaf Saxifage, Meadow Cranesbill, Dog Mercury, Common Dog Violet, Coltsfoot, Primrose, Milkmaid, White Nettle, Jack by the Hedge.

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