Recorder’s report: February 2025

A total of 80 species were reported in February from a total of 760 reports.

For the year to date, 93 species have been reported from 1676 reports.

Notable sightings for February:

Brambling (max of 2 on 4 dates), Caspian Gull (1 on 3 dates), Curlew (max of 12 on dates from 21st), Fieldfare (10 on 3rd), Goldeneye (max of 9 almost daily), Goosander (max of 30 almost daily), Great Black-backed Gull (on 2 dates), Grey Heron (up to 21 noted, with at least 6 nests occupied by early February), Hawfinch (1 on 18th), Kingfisher (1 on 28th), Little Owl (on 3 dates), Mediterranean Gull (1 on 27th and 28th), Oystercatcher (max of 6, regularly from 7th), Peregrine (1 on 27th), Pintail (3 on 1st), Pochard (up to 3 birds on 7 dates), Red Kite (1 on 5 dates), Shelduck (up to 2 on 3 dates), Siskin (max of 20 almost daily), Stonechat (1 on 10 dates), Tawny Owl (1 on 24th), Water Rail (1 on 15 dates), Whooper Swan (4 on 7th, 3 on 16th), Willow Tit (up to 2 on 17 dates), Woodcock (1 on 24th), Yellow-legged Gull (1 on 24th and 25th).

Also reported were Mink (2 caught in trap), Grey Squirrel and Bank Vole.

As always, thank-you to everyone who contributed to the report – your records are always very much appreciated.  Please continue to report your sightings either by writing in the hide diary or by emailing me, and also by reporting the most notable sightings on our Whatsapp group.

Matthew Birkin, Steve Sutcliffe, Julie Atkinson, John Turner, John Bird, D. Bradley, Kevin Grayston, Stephen Walker, Richard Clark, Tim Sexey, Bill Padley, Val Jones, Roger Wood, Mary Wilde, Roger Thornley, John Geary, Steve Slack, Rob Grew, Martin Kaye, Phillip Buxton, Nige Cater, J.T. Sawford, M. Babb, Richard Lowe, Pat Smith, Dave Horsley, Jayne Jackson, Nik Wormill, Keith Armstrong, Julie Clewes and Richard Gratton.

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