Blacktoft Sands RSPB or North Cave Wetlands

Meeting Point: Car Park at Blacktoft Reserve on the Ouse near to Goole Time: 09:30 Transport: Members cars Cost: free for RSPB members,£5.00 non-members, Leader: Martin Kaye Numbers Limit: None.

Notes: A one hour 15 min easy drive from Chesterfield up the M1 then M18 to junction 36 on the M62. The last 10 miles are a bit slow (15 min) but are well signed.

7 hides and small visitors centre selling drinks and hiring binoculars.  All flat, easy going.  This is one of the best reserves in the country to see Marsh Harriers and at this time of year is excellent for migrant warblers.  We would especially hope to see Grasshopper Warblers which have been readily visible for the last 2 years.

P1030449 grasshopper warbler

grasshopper warbler taken with a compact camera

We can opt to change the location to North Cave Wetlands, which although a bit further away is actually quicker to get to as it’s only about 5 minutes from junction 38 on the M62.

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