Wednesday 29th October 2014

At least 12 Bearded Tits dropped into reeds by the hide at around 11:00 hrs but unfortunately they only stayed for a few minutes before heading off SW (the first record for Ogston and a record count for Derbyshire). Also 5 Wigeon, 2 Shovelers and the escaped Yellow-billed Teal still present on the reservoir. Migrants over Highoredish included 7625 Woodpigeons, 560 Starlings, c56 Pink-footed Geese flew SE at 09:30 hrs, a further 36 flew SE at 09:35 hrs and c40 flew NW at 13:15 hrs, a Merlin SW at 09:40. Also a juv male Goshawk seen on six separate occasions hunting Woodpigeons around Highoredish and a Fieldfare there.

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