
This page provides links to all Ogston Bird Club archived data. For links to archived data for other local recording sites please visit this page.

Ogston Annual Reports

OHG is short for Ogston Hide Group, which was the precursor to OBC (Ogston Bird Club) which it became in 1985. The old annual reports are an interesting and for some, important historical archive. Old reports will be made available up to that report which is 2 years previous to the current report.

1969-70 (OHG)  1985 (OBC) 2001 (OBC) 2018 (OBC)
1970-71 (OHG)  1986 (OBC) 2002 (OBC) 2019 (OBC)
1971-72 (OHG)  1987 (OBC) 2003 (OBC) 2020 (OBC)
1972-73 (OHG)  1988 (OBC) 2004 (OBC) 2021 (OBC)
1973-74 (OHG)  1989 (OBC) 2005 (OBC) 2022 (OBC)
1974-75 (OHG)  1990 (OBC) 2006 (OBC) 2023 (OBC)
1975-76 (OHG)  1991 (OBC) 2007 (OBC) 2024 (OBC)
1976-77 (OHG)  1992 (OBC) 2008 (OBC)
1977-78 (OHG)  1993 (OBC) 2009 (OBC)
1978-79 (OHG)  1994 (OBC) 2010 (OBC)
1979-80 (OHG)  1995 (OBC) 2011 (OBC)
1980-81 (OHG)  1996 (OBC) 2012 (OBC)
1981-82 (OHG)  1997 (OBC) 2013 (OBC)
1982-83 (OHG)  1998 (OBC) 2014 (OBC)
1983-84 (OHG)  1999 (OBC) 2015/16 (OBC)
1984 (OHG) 2000 (OBC) 2017 (OBC)

Ogston All Time Bird List

Ogston All Time List as of 11/8/24
Ogston All Time TICK list – Excel spreadsheet which can downloaded/print/copied and pasted into your preferred application


Consolidated Bird Recordings from OBC Website

These are only available from 2015 onwards. The records have been taken from the OBC website and consolidated in a spreadsheet so that all records for a single species are grouped together. The species order is alphabetical to make it easier for all to locate specific record. (Earlier data hasn’t been converted in this way, which is why it isn’t available.)

 OBC Bird Records 2015 OBC Bird Records 2020
 OBC Bird Records 2016 OBC Bird Records 2021
 OBC Bird Records 2017 OBC Bird Records 2022
 OBC Bird Records 2018
OBC Bird Records 2023
 OBC Bird Records 2019

Ogston Bird Club Monthly Reports

These reports were available from 2000-2015  and have been combined into annual lists.

 Ogston Bird Reports 2000 Ogston Bird Reports 2008
 Ogston Bird Reports 2002  Ogston Bird Reports 2009
 Ogston Bird Reports 2003  Ogston Bird Reports 2010
 Ogston Bird Reports 2004  Ogston Bird Reports 2011
 Ogston Bird Reports 2005  Ogston Bird Reports 2012
 Ogston Bird Reports 2006
 Ogston Bird Reports 2007  Ogston Bird Reports 2014

Ogston Newsletters