Author Archives: Martin Kaye

Report on evening trip to Clumber 22nd May 2019

A full complement of 10 members enjoyed a warm evening in Clumber Park. Beginning in Hardwick Village, the group first heard a Cuckoo calling and then were incredibly lucky to see it posing at the top of a bush, long … Continue reading

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Report on Trip to Whisby & Langford Lowfields 17th May 2019

Nine members assembled in the car park at Whisby with the organiser counting his blessings that it had stopped raining and was actually brightening up. Walking through the early part of the reserve, an early disappointment at the lack of … Continue reading

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22 May 2019

2 Little Egrets, 2 Common Tern, Kingfisher (right of members hide), 2 Gadwall, Lesser Whitethroat.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 22 May 2019

20 May 2019

2 Greenshank, 4 Oystercatcher, 2 Common Tern, 4 Gadwall.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 20 May 2019

19 May 2019

2 Greenshank, Curlew, Dunlin, Redshank, 2 Common Tern 4 Oystercatcher, Marsh Harrier appeared to roost in reeds at 20.30.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report, Uncategorized | Comments Off on 19 May 2019

15 May 2019

Little Egret, Drake Shoveler

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 15 May 2019

14 May 2019

Sanderling, Drke Shoveler Ringed Plover

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 14 May 2019

Report on Lawrence Field Trip 10/5/19

Raining at 08:00 didn’t bode well so it was much relief that it had stopped when we arrived at the roadside park above Padley Gorge.  Ten members then set off across Lawrence Field Moor in rather dull conditions hardly daring … Continue reading

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10 May 2019

Roseate Tern, 7 Arctic Tern, 4 Black Tern, 2 Common Tern, c80 Dunlin, Turnstone, Knot, c30 Ringed Plovers, 3 Yellow Wagtail, White Wagtail, Drake Shoveler, Little egret, 2 Mute Swans.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 10 May 2019

9 May 2019

2 Black Tern, 12 Arctic tern, 4 Common Tern, 84 Dunlin, (previous highest count was 38, 12/10/91), 31 Ringed Plover, Knot, Greenshank, 2 Whimbrel, 5 Redshank, 5 Common Sand, Pink-footed Goose, 2 Little Egret, 2 Yellow Wagtail.    

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 9 May 2019