Author Archives: Martin Kaye

18 April 2019

3 LRPlovers, 2 Snipe, Yellow Wagtail, 4 Pied Wagtail, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 3 Brambling

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 18 April 2019

Budby Common Trip report – 5/4/19

Fourteen members met beside Budby Common and unlike the previous trip to the Upper Derwent Valley, didn’t suffer from high winds or interminable up hill sections. Indeed, the entire trip could be described as more or less flat. All in … Continue reading

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Upper Derwent Valley Trip – 22/3/19

Nine members had a very energetic birding trip in the Upper Derwent Valley in fine but windy weather. Initially all seemed calm as we spent time by the Derwent Dam Wall waiting for folk to arrive while viewing across the … Continue reading

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Report on OBC trip to Rufford CP, Sherwood and Welbeck Raptor Watch Point – 15/2/19

Six members enjoyed a glorious day (albeit with a chilly start) and shortly after arriving, we were delighted to all be able to view through the scope our main target bird in the form of a female Hawfinch. During a … Continue reading

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Guided Bird Walk 2/2/19

This month’s Bird Walk was enjoyed by 18 hardy souls braving a very cold but bright morning. We walked along the West Bank hoping to catch sight of a busy heronry which unfortunately, was devoid of bird life. Hedgerows and … Continue reading

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Trip report – RSPB Frampton Marsh Tuesday 11/9/18

In spite of the rather dodgy weather forecast, this was a well attended trip with 12 members arriving at the allotted hour.  Half the party then retired to the visitors’ centre for hot drinks and a guided tour by the … Continue reading

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Report on trip to RSPB Blacktoft Sands – 10th July

Nine members were well rewarded on the annual trip to Blacktoft with good weather and excellent birding. Immediately sightings of Bearded Tits were had from the visitors centre before we’d even had a chance to get properly started.  Juveniles or … Continue reading

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Reports on 2 evening trips to Clumber Park 24th May & 6th June

Reports on two very successful trips. 24th May A mixture of 9 members of both OBC and DOS spent a very pleasant mild evening in the Park. With the recent events of vandalism to the ornamental bridge we noticed immediately … Continue reading

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Report on trip to Whisby Nature Park – 15th May 2018

Six members attended this visit on a gorgeous sunny day, targeting species like Nightingale, Garden Warbler and Med Gull. Within Ten minutes a Med Gull was spotted in the water bathing next to the islands by the visitor center. A … Continue reading

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Report on trip to Lawrencefield/Padley/Burbage 3rd May 2018

8 members enjoyed a fabulous morning’s birding in pleasant conditions.  Starting at 08:30 before picnic parties and dog walkers had arrived, we started brilliantly with a distant view of a Whinchat and this was followed in a short space of … Continue reading

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