Author Archives: Martin Kaye


OGSTON BIRD CLUB 46 th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2016 Will be held on Tuesday 24th May at 7:30pm at the Blackwell Community Centre, Woburn Close, Blackwell, Alfreton, DE55 5HH. This AGM has been called under constitution; at least 21 days’ notice has … Continue reading

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Open Hide Day

Ogston Bird Club Open Hide Day Saturday 7th May. You are invited to our open day, please come along to view from the 3 menbers hides, there will a limited number of telescopes and binoculars to use. We will be Open from 10:00 … Continue reading

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19/3/16 Derwent Trip report

Eight members assembled beside the dam wall on a dull and decidedly chilly morning to be greeted by an absolute dearth of birds.  In addition to us, a group of birders from DOS were being similarly disappointed.  Suddenly the misery … Continue reading

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Work Party report from Fri 4th Dec

The ramp to the main hide was made safer by covering some of the exposed timber with wire mesh. The path and steps to the Alders Wood hide were massively improved but please note that parts of the path are … Continue reading

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Cancelled – Trip to Langford Lowfields 6th Dec

This trip has been cancelled simply because the starlings have ‘disappeared’.  A few weeks ago numbers had but up to over 20,000 but since then, they’ve relocated.  Whether it’s due to the mild weather???? If the situation alters, the trip … Continue reading

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Ogston work party – Fri 4th Dec

There will be a work party at Ogston on Fri 4th Dec 09:30 – 12:30.  Jobs to do include clearing the path to the Alders Wood hide, removing large stones from the island and the scrape in front of the … Continue reading

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Blacktoft Sands trip report – 23/11/15

The attraction of the possibility of seeing Hen Harriers wasn’t enough to woo members away from Derbyshire and so in the end only three of us went.  Arriving at mid-day with the intention of staying until last light, Blacktoft delivered … Continue reading

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Trip to Blacktoft Sands RSPB – Tues 24th Nov 2015

The aim of this trip (see Trips Diary section for details) was to see the Harriers returning to roost in the reed bed, thus the late start at 11:00 a.m. at Blacktoft.  Reports from the RSPB Blacktoft website, have recorded … Continue reading

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Will this attract you down to the hides?

Since the first stage of the autumn work has been completed on the site, it’s now a lot easier to see what’s about.  A water pipit was reported recently and without the cutting back of the vegetation, it would not … Continue reading

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Report on work progress at Ogston 19th Oct

A tremendous amount of work has been carried out at Ogston during September and October and as you can see from the photos below, views from either the Sue Worsey or the Main Hide, are much improved. In the near future we … Continue reading

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