Author Archives: Martin Kaye

Ogston Sightings – 11/7/15

Osprey took fish 08:15, Little Egret 10:45, Little Ringed Plover 4, Ringed Plover 2, Common Sandpiper 1.

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Nightjar trip report – 9/7/15

The second of the Nightjar trips was possibly even more successful than the first.  8 members met up on the most perfect of evenings, warm and with the gentlest of breezes.  The group were so determined to beat the previous … Continue reading

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Ogston Sightings – 10/7/15

Osprey 1 sitting on rock in front of main hide 10:00 – 11:00 then flew over Carr Wood.  Returned at 11:17 then disappeared until 11:30 when flew low over west car park then flew high and west out of sight, Redshank 2 (Chapel … Continue reading

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Ogston Sightings – 9/7/15

Ringed Plover 1, Common Tern 1, Osprey 1 at 16:30, Reed Bunting 1, Sedge Warbler 4, Reed Warbler 1, Chiffchaff 1.

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Ogston Sightings – 8/7/15

Oyster Catcher 4, Common Sandpiper 3, Little Ringed Plover 10 + 1 juv, Ringed Plover 2, Little Egret 1, Lesser Black-backed Gull 1, Yellow-Legged Gull 1 ad, Peregrine 2 (1 juv M + 1 ad F), Ravens 6 (in one … Continue reading

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Ogston Sightings – 7/7/15

Oyster Catcher 4, Common Sandpiper 3, Little Ringed Plover 9, Ringed Plover 2, Little Egret 1, Lesser Black-backed Gull 1, Yellow-Legged Gull 2 ad + 1 3rd summer, Ravens 2, Osprey 10:20 flew towards Carr Wood 1, Reed Bunting 1, Chiffchaff 1, … Continue reading

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Ogston Sightings – 6/7/15

Common Sandpiper 8, Little Ringed Plover 3, Ringed Plover 2, Lapwing 31, Great Crested Grebe 5, Little Egret 2, Grey Heron 1, Barn Owl 1, Osprey on waters edge 19:45 then flew west 1, Common Tern 4 + 2 chicks on … Continue reading

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Ogston Sightings – 4/7/15

Green Sandpiper 1, Little Ringed Plover 9, Ringed Plover 1, Common Tern 4.

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Ogston Sightings – 3/7/15

Common Sandpiper 7, Ringed Plover 2, Hobby 1.

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Ogston Sightings – 2/7/15

Oyster Catcher 8, Common Sandpiper 5, Little Ringed Plover 6, Ringed Plover 4, Lapwing 3, Grey Heron 3, Common Tern 4 + 3 chicks on raft in Chapel Bay, Reed Bunting 1, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1, Kingfisher 1. Also reported in … Continue reading

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