Author Archives: Martin Kaye

Ogston Sightings – 1/7/15

Oyster Catcher 7, Common Sandpiper 3, Little Ringed Plover 5, Little Egret 1, Common Tern 3. Spotted Flycatcher (Brackenfield Church)

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Ogston Sightings – 30/6/15

Oyster Catcher 5, Common Sandpiper 2 (opp Carr Pond), Green Sandpiper 1 (opp Carr Pond), Little Ringed Plover 2, Lapwing 31, Great Crested Grebe 15, Little grebe 2, Little Egret 1, Grey Heron 24, Common Tern 2 + 2 chicks … Continue reading

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Ogston Sightings 29.06.2015

Oyster Catcher 5, Common Sandpiper 2, Little Ringed Plover 4, Lapwing 11, Little grebe 2, Little Egret 1, Common Tern 2, Lesser Black-backed Gull 1, Kestrel 1, Peregrine (juv) 1, Grey Wagtails 3, Tufted Duck 36, Whitethroat 1, Reed Bunting … Continue reading

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CANCELLED – Alport Castles trip – Tues 14/7/15

This trip has been cancelled because of the poor weather forecast.  It will be rescheduled if a more favourable opportunity arises. 

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Clumber – Nightjars trip report – 25/6/15

A most successful trip with 42 species seen/heard by a mixed group of 8 OBC and DOS members.  The highlights included good but distant views of a kingfisher, a buzzard, linnets, yellow hammer, repeated sightings of a hunting barn owl, 5 … Continue reading

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Cancelled – Frampton Trip on 9th August 2015

This trip now clashes with the ‘Hen Harrier Day’ which is being organised in the Peak District. As a consequence, the committee decided that in order to allow all members the opportunity to support Hen Harriers, it would be best … Continue reading

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Annesley Pit top Trip Report 23/6/15

5 members attended, although possibly more to support the trips organiser than with any great expectation of good birding.  However, the faithful were richly rewarded with 33 bird species recorded and the pleasure of being surrounded by a profusion of wild … Continue reading

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25th June and 1st July evening Nightjar trips

There are still a few places left on both nightjar trips this Thursday evening and next Wed evening.  Note, booking is essential – don’t just turn up because we are only allowed a certain number.  Details on the TRIPS section … Continue reading

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Trip Report – Nethy Bridge 17th – 24th April 2015

The trip this year was run on similar lines to that of last year but in contrast, we went mid April instead of early June which made an interesting change – some different species and no midges. Surprisingly, the weather … Continue reading

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New update to Padley Gorge Trip – 7th June 2015

Because I shall be away for the next two and a half weeks, if you wish to go and haven’t already booked with me, contact Paul Beard – Paul’s email Yesterday I went over to Padley, took a few photos, a … Continue reading

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