Author Archives: Nikki M

JMNR Work Party Report – July 22nd 2017

This gallery contains 3 photos.

Just three members turned up for this morning’s work party. However, all the proposed tasks were carried out: removing large areas of Cleavers, cutting the butterfly transect paths and removing some vegetation around the Hide Pond to enable recording for the Dragonfly … Continue reading

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JMNR – 18th July 2017

This gallery contains 1 photo.

In addition to carrying out the butterfly transect (see previous post), Nikki Mahadevan recorded the following: Moths: Shaded Broad-bar, Udea lutealis, Narrow-bordered 5-spot Burnet, Brown China-Mark, Yellow Shell. Emerald, Azure and Blue-tailed damselflies, Brown and Southern Hawkers, Common Darter, a … Continue reading

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JMNR butterfly and dragonfly transects – 16 and 18th July 2017

Week 16 of the butterfly transect recording produced a big count for Nikki Mahadevan on the 16th: Comma (11), Gatekeeper (10), Green-veined White (15), Large Skipper (2), Meadow Brown (41), Red Admiral (2), Ringlet (37), Small Skipper (4), Small Tortoiseshell, … Continue reading

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JMNR – 16th July 2017

In addition to carrying out the butterfly transect (see separate post), Nikki Mahadevan recorded the following: Moths: Latticed Heath, Shaded Broad-bar, Silver-y, Narrow-bordered 5-spot Burnet. Azure damsels, Blue tailed damsels, Emerald damsels, 2 Brown Hawkers. Buzzard, Woodpigeon, Bullfinch.

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JMNR Sightings – 16th July 2017

From Logbook – Jeff Davis White Throat, feeding yound]g in area of C2 right hand top corner. Several young Great Tits around. 3 Hares in farm field to left of entrance. Nuthatch calling from trees back of C6b.

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Jim Mart Work Party 22nd July

This month’s work party will focus on keeping the paths clear and removing some of the Cleavers that are coating the site. To help at the work party, meet at the reserve on Saturday, 22nd July at 9:30 am. We … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 11th July 2017

From Logbook – Jeff Davis Hot 20+ Azures on bottom field and pond. 1 pair of Southern Hawkers, flying over Bottom pond mating. 10+ green damselflies in grass around bottom pond. 1 Brown Hawker flying between middle pond and bottom … Continue reading

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JMNR butterfly and dragonfly transects – 9th July 2017

Dave Clay recorded the butterfly transect today for week 15: Comma (4), Gatekeeper, Green-veined White (9), Large Skipper (2), Meadow Brown (8), Peacock, Ringlet (36) and Speckled Wood (2). Four whites were unidentified. On the Bottom Pond a Brown Hawker, … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings -1st July 2017

From Logbook – Jeff Davis 13:30-14:30 sunny and warm Bottom Pond 40+ Azure damsels, some egg laying.

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JMNR butterfly and dragonfly transects – 30th June 2017

Paul Beard was fortunate to find a brief window of half reasonable weather, on the very last day of recording for week 13, to find just two species of butterfly flying: Meadow Brown (7), Ringlet (9). However, no adult dragonflies … Continue reading

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