Author Archives: Nikki M

JMNR Sightings – July 5th

4 Speckled Wood, 9 Ringlet, 6 Meadow Brown, 8 Large Skipper, Celypha lacuana, Brown China Mark, Narrow-bordered 5-spot Burnet, Light Emerald. A fly (Sicus ferrugineus), a hoverfly (Xylota sylvarum), a hoverfly (Eristalis tenax), Large Red damselfly, Azure damselfly. Swift, House … Continue reading

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JMNR butterfly transect – 4th July 2016

Butterfly numbers have built up over the last few days with Keith Turton recording 32 individuals of 6 species on the week 14 transect walk: Large Skipper (5), Meadow Brown (10), Ringlet (11), Small Skipper (1), Small White (3), Speckled … Continue reading

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JMNR – 4th July 2016

The group of five Common Spotted Orchids (C4c) are now in flower, all the other reported orchids are still in flower (bar one) however the Bee Orchids are showing signs of waning. Marsh Bedstraw is in flower at the Bottom … Continue reading

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July 2016 Guided walk report

There was a good turn out of around 25 people for the July walk, led by Paul Beard. Following recent heavy rain, with more forecast for midday, there were no objectors to the choice of the ever popular Brackenfield loop. … Continue reading

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JMNR butterfly transect – 26th June 2016

Week 13. Nikki Mahadevan recorded Green-veined White (2), Large Skipper (2), Meadow Brown (2), Speckled Wood (2). In addition, the following moth species were seen: Silver-ground Carpet, Snout, Yellow Shell. Birds: Blackcap, Swift, Buzzard, Whitethroat

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JMNR Sightings 24th June 2017

Brief walk around the reserve after emptying the moth trap: Azure damselfly, Common Carpet moth, Timothy Tortrix, Large Skipper, Swift, Bullfinch, Mallard with chicks.

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JMNR Moth Trapping – 23rd June 2017

The moth trap was set up near the hide bridge on the evening of 23/6/16 and emptied the following morning. Buff Ermine 1, White Ermine 3, Green Carpet 1, Middle-bar Minor 3, Beautiful Golden-y 1, Celypha lacuana 1, Common Swift … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings 23rd June 2016

Moths: Common Carpet, Silver-ground Carpet, Middle-barred Minor, Celypha lacuana, Yellow Shell, Brown-china Mark (ovipositing on Bottom Pond), Nettle tap, Timothy Tortrix, Grass Rivulet, Celypha striana.2323

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JMNR 21st June 2016

Orchids in flower: Bee*, Hybrid (Dactylorhiza x grandis), Southern Marsh*. Birds seen during this visit to the reserve were few, just a single Great Tit on the reserve, but a bird of a different kind flew low overhead. This was … Continue reading

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JMNR butterfly transect – 21st June 2016

Butterfly numbers remained very low for the week 12 transect. John Parlby recorded Large Skipper (1), Green-veined White (1) and Speckled Wood (1).

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