Author Archives: Nikki M

JMNR Sightings 14th June

In between dodging rain showers and raking some very wet grass: Moorhen chick on hide pond, Blackbird. 2 Green-veined White, 1 Speckled Wood,1 Large Skipper, 1 Straw Dot, 1 Grass Rivulet, 2 Diamond-back moth, 10 Silver-ground Carpet, 2 Brown China-mark … Continue reading

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JMNR butterfly transect – 13th June 2016

Mild, sunny and calm weather. Alan Kydd was no doubt disappointed to find that, despite 40 minutes of observation, not a single butterfly could be detected on the week 11 transect walk. There is often a reduction in butterflies on … Continue reading

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JMNR June 18th work party – cancelled

The work party due to be held at the Jim Mart reserve on Saturday 18th has been cancelled, in large part due to the coordinator having broken a toe.

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JMNR butterfly transect – 9th June 2016

After a good spell of warm dry weather, butterfly numbers have increased for week 10 giving Paul Beard a total of 18 individuals from 5 species: Green-veined White (4), Orange Tip (8), Small Tortoiseshell (1), Small White (1) and Speckled … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings 8th June 2016

Sawfly larva on Oak leaf Periclista sp. – Broad bodied Chaser on Bottom Pond

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JMNR 6th June 2016

Jeff Davies carried out the June ‘PondNet’ adult dragonflies survey for the Bottom Pond and recorded a pair of Broad-bodied Chasers with the female ovipositing, and large numbers of Large Red Damselflies [count code D (21-100 individuals)] and Azure damselflies … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings 7th June 2016

N.Mahadevan Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Blue tit (feeding young and removing faecal sacs, box 4), Woodpigeon, Mandarin, Long-tailed tit, Moorhen in brook, Robin, Goldfinch, Nuthatch, Great tit. Green-veined white, Speckled Wood, Peacock, Orange tip, Large White, Brimstone, Silver-ground Carpet, Nettle tap, Green … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings June 5th

Birds: Whitethroat, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Woodpigeon, juv. Robin, Nuthatch, Great tit, Chaffinch, Blackcap, Blue tit, Chiffchaff, Swallow, Bullfinch, female Mandarin with 3 young in brook. Butterflies and moths: Green-vein White, Small White, Orange tip, Nettle tap, Diamond-back moth, Ancylis Badiana, … Continue reading

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Moth Trapping JMNR 4th June 2016

This gallery contains 4 photos.

The moth trap was set up on the evening of 4th June at the hide end of the garden hedge. It was emptied the following morning 6:15, min temperature 9.7ÂșC White Ermine (Spilosoma lubricipeda) 4, Foxglove Pug (Eupithecia pulchellata) 1, … Continue reading

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June 2016 Guided walk report

The first half of this month’s ‘guided’ walk resembled a mystery tour. The stand-in guide had got it into his head to investigate some of the paths that he did not recall the walk taking in the last nine years. … Continue reading

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