Author Archives: Nikki M

JMNR 4 September 2014

Juvenile Moorhen in the Hide Pond, Wood Pigeon. Green-veined White (1), Speckled Wood (1). Juvenile Toad.

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JMNR Moth Trapping 2nd September 2014

Moth trap was set up by the Garden Hedge (at the end of transect 3) on the evening of 2nd September and emptied the following morning: 8 Canary-shouldered Thorn, 1 Gold Spot, 6 Large Yellow Underwing, 1 Brown China-mark, 1 … Continue reading

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JMNR 2nd September 2014

Butterfly sightings from the week 23 transect walk by Nikki Mahadevan: Red Admiral (1), Small Tortoiseshell (1), Peacock (1), Speckled Wood (10). A Green-veined White and a Small Copper were also seen after the transect walk had been completed.

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JMNR 28 August 2014

Butterfly sightings from the week 22 transect walk by John Parlby: Small White (1), Green-veined White (4), Small Tortoiseshell (1), Speckled Wood (9), Gatekeeper (1), Unidentified White (1).

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JMNR 23 August 2014

This spectacular Clouded Yellow was spotted and photographed by Jeff Davis down near Bottom Pond.

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JMNR 19 August 2014

Butterfly sightings from the week 21 transect walk by Nikki Mahadevan: Green-veined White (7), Small Copper (1), Small Tortoiseshell (1), Peacock (2), Speckled Wood (4), Gatekeeper (2), Meadow Brown (2).

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 16th August 2014

July’s work party was a bit of a washout, yet one hardy soul did brave the deluge for the whole of the morning. So, this Saturday’s tasks read like a rerun of last month’s – pulling out cleavers (i.e. goose-grass), … Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 19th July 2014

July’s work party will be targeting the reserve’s flourishing vegetation. Some jobs have already been dealt with, for example Dick Johnson voluntarily devoted the whole of last Saturday morning to single-handedly clearing the base of the north hedge of grass … Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 21st June

Nature has gone wild at the reserve since last month’s work party, so there are plenty of (relatively easy) jobs needing some input – typically trimming back the green stuff where it threatens to swamp out our carefully nurtured young … Continue reading

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Padley Trip Report 2015

Eleven members gathered at Grindleford Station, and were rapidly made aware of the first disadvantage of the still overcast weather – midges! However, once underway, we seemed to be able to keep ahead of the little pests. Early on, we … Continue reading

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