Author Archives: Steve Slack

Trip Report – May 15 2024 – Whisby and Langford Lowfields

A small but perfectly formed group of members met at a wet Whisby to stroll around the park lamenting the absence of the Nightingale. Nonetheless, we took in a nice stroll and picked up a decent list. The site is … Continue reading

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Trip Report – Jan 13 2024 – Frampton, Deeping, Willowtree

A promise of a bit of winter sunshine saw 14 of us set off for Frampton Marsh. Surprisingly, the weather forecast was absolutely spot on with a cloudless sky and little wind. We started down by hunting down the long … Continue reading

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2024 FEES

Just a reminder that the membership fees are now £15 for a single member and £20 for a joint

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For Sale -Tripod

Velbon Sherpa 600R tripod with a PH 157Q one touch pan head , a quick release plate and a Hc25/28 hide clamp. Price £60:00 Contact Don Musgrave 07851446493 email donmusgrave13@icloud .com

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Guided Walk Saturday June 3rd

12 of us set off on a beautiful sunny morning, along the West Bank, through Brackenfield, down to the Amber, over the railway (unusually quiet due to strike action), through the fishing lakes and across the fields and back. Species … Continue reading

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Whisby and Langford Lowfields – May 17th 2023

Rather down on numbers this week but glorious weather for a stroll looking at birds. It can be a hard life at times! First stop Whisby Nature Park. Target species – the beautiful Nightingale, once heard, never forgotten! However, there … Continue reading

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Padley Gorge and Barbrook – May 10th 2023

A gaggle of 14 (actually 12 with two laggards catching up with us later) assembled at the usual parking spot at the top of Padley Gorge. After a healthy debate about the weather forecast (everyone seemed to have a different … Continue reading

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Bird Walk April 1st 2023

12 hardy souls endured a chilly morning walk around the Brackenfield Loop. 45 species were recorded as follows – Sand Martin, Oystercatcher, Grey Heron, Black-headed Gull, Buzzard, Magpie, Bullfinch, Coot, Lapwing, Chiffchaff, Cormorant, Canada Goose, Long-tailed Tit, Goldeneye, Great Created … Continue reading

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Monthly Guided Walk Nov 5 2022

Ably led by Andy Marshall, a party of 10 enjoyed this month’s walk on a damp grey morning along the reservoir West Bank and around Brackenfield Green. 40 species were noted – Redwing, Robin, Coal Tit, Chaffinch, Mute Swan, Cormorant, … Continue reading

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Monthly Bird Walk October 1st

After the rain the day before, this month’s walk was restricted to tarmac, along Ogston New Road to Brackenfield, around the village lanes and back. 11 members attended and enjoyed a mild, sunny and clear, 3 hour walk! Species recorded … Continue reading

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