Author Archives: Val Jones

Sat 14 March 2020

19 Whooper Swans until 0945 when they departed NW, 4 Mandarins, 3 drake Shoveler, 3 Goldeneye, 4 Goosander, 11 Curlews, several Chiffchaffs, flocks of 35 & 110 Redwings, 2 Bramblings.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Sat 14 March 2020

Fri 13 March 2020

9 Gadwall, 3 Goldeneye, 4 Goosander, Water Rail, 10 Common Buzzards, 3 Sparrowhawks, juv fem Peregrine, 4 Oystercatchers, 4 Curlews, 1 Raven, 2+ Chiffchaffs, a trickle of Meadow Pipits NW/N, a Willow Tit, 2 fem Bramblings on the feeders-one minus … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Fri 13 March 2020

Thurs 12 March 2020

4 Mandarins, 2 Gadwall, 24 Tufteds, 4 Goldeneye, 6 C.Buzzards, a Red Kite slowly S 1100-10, ad Peregrine, 4 Oystercatchers, 3 Curlews, c20 Snipe, 1 Willow Tit, 1 Chiffchaff, a Mipit NW and 2 fem.  Bramblings on the feeders.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Thurs 12 March 2020

Wed 11 March 2020

2 Mute Swans, 2 Mandarins, 11 Teal, 4 Goldeneye, drake Goosander, 7 Buzzards, at least 4 Sparrowhawks, 5 Oystercatchers, 1 Raven, 3 Skylarks NW, a Sand Martin late morning left south after about 30 minutes (equals second earliest ever in … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Wed 11 March 2020

Tues 10 March 2020

16 Greylag & 4 Canada Geese plus the hybrid, 6 Mandarins, 4 Gadwall, 18 Tufteds, Water Rail calling, 8 Buzzards, 2 Sparrowhawks, ad Peregrine,  4 Oystercatchers, a Snipe, a Chiffchaff, female Brambling on the feeders again.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Tues 10 March 2020

Mon 9 March 2020

A Shelduck, 5 Goldeneye, a Water Rail, Sparrowhawk, 4 Oystercatchers, 3 Chiffchaffs in the Carr Pond/west bank area, 2 Willow Tits, female Brambling on the feeders.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Mon 9 March 2020

Sun 8 March 2020

4 Goldeneye, 3 Goosander, 2 Ravens. A 2ndW Yellow-legged Gull in the roost.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Sun 8 March 2020

Sat 7 March 2020

21 occupied Grey Heron nests and 3 Curlews.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Sat 7 March 2020

Fri 6 March 2020

Highlight today was a male Hen Harrier that flew south down the res just after midday (1212) flushing everything in the process and coaxing ten of the local Buzzards up. This is Ogston’s tenth record following the ringtail that flew … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Fri 6 March 2020

Thurs 5 March 2020

34 Greylag & 2 Canada Geese, c60 Pinkfeet flew W in the morning, 4 Mandarins, 12 Gadwall, 24 Tufteds, 8 Goldeneye (most so far this year), 14 Goosander roosted, a Water Rail, 8 GCGrebes, 4 Oystercatchers, 14 Curlews late evening, … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Thurs 5 March 2020