Author Archives: Val Jones

Tues 13 August 2019

4 Mute Swans, 4 Shelduck, 28 Mandarins, 12 Gadwall, 120+ Tufteds, Little Egret, Osprey from 0900-10 at least (for its sixth day), ad Yellow-l-Gull, 63 BHGulls through, c30 Swifts, c110 House Martins & c80 Goldfinches.

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Tues 13 August 2019

Tues 13 August 2019

4 Mute Swans, 4 Shelduck this afternoon, 28 Mandarins, 12 Gadwall, 120+ Tufteds, Little Egret, Osprey from 0900-10 at least (same one last six days), ad Yellow-l-Gull, 63 BHGulls through a.m, c30 Swifts, c110 House Martins & c80 Goldfinches.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Tues 13 August 2019

Mon 12 August 2019

4 Mute Swans, 6 Mandarins, female Gadwall with six young, 132 Tufteds ( this is I believe the best count ever here, beating 131 on 12 Jan 2003. Best counts in recent years have been of the moulting flock in … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Mon 12 August 2019

10 August 2019

Today’s highlight; two moulting adult Black Terns that lingered for 45 minutes before being attacked by the juvenile female Peregrine that has been present on & off the last couple of weeks. Also 48 Mandarins, Osprey, 4 Common Sands, a … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 10 August 2019

9 August 2019

Highlight today was a dark-morph adult Arctic Skua from 0940-45 that flew SW before returning 0950-5 5 and circling before departing NW. A total of twenty-six skuas have been recorded at Ogston, 17 Arctics, 3 Bonxies, 4 Skua sp and … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 9 August 2019

8 August 2019

A new Osprey from 11-1130ish caught a small fish. Also a Little Egret, a Common Sand, ad Yellow-l-Gull and just one Swift.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 8 August 2019

7 August 2019

4 Mute Swans, 3 Mandarins, 103 Tufteds, c80 Lapwings, ad Yellow-l-Gull, c50 Swifts, 2 Kingfishers, 2 Willow Tits.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 7 August 2019

6 August 2019

4 Mute Swans, 2 Mandarins, 20 Gadwall, 80 Tufteds (down on yesterday), a Little Egret flew SE, 1 Oystercatcher (first since 28 July), a juvenile Dunlin arrived 1710, ad Yellow-l-Gull, 22 LBBGulls, 9 Herring Gulls, 11 Swifts & Kingfisher.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 6 August 2019

5 August 2019

4 Mute Swans, 10 Gadwall, 113 Tufteds, ad Yellow-l-Gull, 48 LBBGulls, juv Herring Gull, Kingfisher, 5 Swifts.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 5 August 2019

3/4 August 2019

Little reported over the weekend with Little Egret, Kingfisher & Willow Tit in the log for Sunday.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 3/4 August 2019