Author Archives: Val Jones

9 January 2019

The Twite was still present and showing well from the car park with 51 Linnets. Also 6 Pochard (4 drakes) and a drake Goosander.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 9 January 2019

8 January 2019

7 Pochard still, drake Goosander, 6+ Buzzards and the Twite lingering but generally elusive. In the gull roost 1st & 2ndW Caspian Gulls.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 8 January 2019

7 January 2019

230 Teal, 168 Mallard, 7 Pochard (4 drakes), 3 drake Goosander. The Twite was heard but the flock only seen briefly.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 7 January 2019

6 January 2019

4 Goosander (3 drakes), 43 GCGrebes, a male Peregrine killed a Coot on the north bank, single Chiffchaff and the Twite still present.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 6 January 2019

5 January 2019

6 Pochard (4 drakes), 4 Goldeneye (3 drakes), drake Goosander, 45 GCGrebes (an excellent count for here), c200 Redwings, 52 Pied Wagtails roosted. In the gull roost an adult Caspian Gull and a probable hybrid Caspian, also adult.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 5 January 2019

4 January 2018

64 Greylags, 52 Canadas, a Shelduck, 18 Gadwall, a Wigeon, 21 Tufteds, 5 Pochard, 8 Goosander, 38 GCGrebes, a Woodcock, a Barn Owl, a Willow Tit and the Twite still.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 4 January 2018

3 January 2019

A surprise in the form of 9 Red-crested Pochard (4 drakes), only the tenth record here smashing the previous best count of three on 8 Sep 2016. Also 2 Mute Swans, 58 Greylags, 53 Canadas, 3 Wigeon, 5 Pochard (3 … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 3 January 2019

2 January 2019

The Twite was still present with 5 Wigeon, 5 Pochard (four drakes) and 34 GCGrebes.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 2 January 2019

1 January 2019

20 Gadwall, 7 Pochard (4 drakes), 7 Goosander (6 drakes), 2 (possibly 3) Chiffchaffs and the Twite still present though elusive.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report, Uncategorized | Comments Off on 1 January 2019

31 December 2018

The Pinkfoot with Greylags, 4 Goldeneye, 8 Goosander, 2 Woodcocks out of Carr Wood, 1stW Yellow-l-Gull in the roost, 1 Chiffchaff and the Twite still.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 31 December 2018