Author Archives: Val Jones

27 August 2018

20 Mandarins, 8 Teal, 16 Tufteds, Little Egret, regular Osprey, Hobby, Common Sandpiper, ad Yellow-l-Gull & a Whinchat.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 27 August 2018

26 August 2018

Bit of a washout weather-wise; Little Egret, juv Common Tern, Sand Martin.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 26 August 2018

25 August 2018

30 Mandarins, 4 Gadwall, juv Goosander, Little Egret, regular Osprey, ad Peregrine, Hobby, a Dunlin through, 3 Swifts, 5 Ravens flew west, 2 Whinchats in the west bank and a Spotted Flycatcher.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 25 August 2018

24 August 2018

2 Mute Swans, 12 Mandarins, 5 Gadwall, 12 Teal, 7 Tufteds, Little Egret, an Osprey arrived at 1155, turning out to be the original bird first seen 9 August but it was soon joined by a second bird, a slightly … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 24 August 2018

23 August 2018

2 Mute Swans, 26 Mandarins, 9 Teal, 8 Tufteds, 2 Little Egrets, an Osprey at 1440 was considered to be a new bird, 5 C.Buzzards, Sparrowhawk, 2 Greenshank through & SE at 1025, ad Yellow-l-Gull, 2 Swifts, 6 Sand Martins … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 23 August 2018

22 August 2018

2 Mute Swans, 38 Mandarins, 1 Gadwall, 16 Teal, 11 Tufteds, Little Egret, 8 Grey Herons highW/NW, a juv Marsh Harrier through 0805-10, 5/6 C.Buzzards, Sparrowhawk, single Hobby, a Ringed Plover 0647-50 then heard again 0715 & 0849 (presumably the … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 22 August 2018

21 August 2018

2 Mute Swans, 163 Greylags, 6 Mandarins, 4 Teal, 11 Tufteds, Little Egret, 32 Coots, as the morning warmed up small kettles of Common Buzzards took to the air with several obviously transient birds culminating in a group of twelve … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 21 August 2018

20 August 2018

A Mute Swan, 5 Shelduck, 2 Mandarins, 263 Mallard, 5 Teal, 8 Tufteds, Little Egret, 19 GCGrebes, an Osprey ( the BTO ringed sub-adult for it’s twelfth day) flew through then west at 1035-40 with a second adult 1235-48, 10+ … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 20 August 2018

19 August 2018

A Gadwall, Little Egret, Osprey in the afternoon, ad Yellow-l-Gull, 5 Common Terns including a pristine juvenile, 10+ Swifts and a Yellow Wagtail over at 1120.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 19 August 2018

18 August 2018

A quiet morning but 332 Canada & 143 Greylag Geese, an adult Hobby, ad Yellow-l-Gull and a flighty Yellow Wagtail.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 18 August 2018