Author Archives: Val Jones

8 January 2018

Mute Swan, 4 Pinkfeet with 60 Greylags & 44 Canada Geese, 13 Gadwall, first Wigeon of the year – a drake, 13 Tufteds, 4 Goldeneye, 5 Goosander, 6 GCGrebes, Water Rail, Little Owl, Willow Tit, c30 Chaffinches & 4 Yellowhammers … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 8 January 2018

7 January 2018

4 Pinkfeet with the Greylags still, 13 Gadwall, 144 Teal, 8 Tufteds, drake Goldeneye, drake Goosander, Water Rail, 198 Lapwings, 2 Redpolls. A walk behind the dam produced the expected Tree Sparrow on the feeders, though just one, with a … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 7 January 2018

6 January 2018

A good movement of Pink-footed Geese this morning with c900 heading west in seven skeins. Four more were ‘down’ with Greylags.Fairly quiet otherwise with 11 Gadwall, Water Rail & 2 Grey Wagtails.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 6 January 2018

5 January 2018

42 Greylags with 3 Pinkfeet, 11 Gadwall, 113 Teal, 7 Tufteds, drake Goldeneye, 1 GCGrebe, Water Rail, 150+ Lapwings, ad Herring/LBBGull hybrid in the roost with c2500 Herring & c910 GBBGulls.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 5 January 2018

4 January 2018

Mute Swan, 13 Gadwall, 7 Tufteds, 1stw drake Goldeneye, Water Rail, c230 Lapwings & 5 Redpolls.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 4 January 2018

3 January 2018

Mute Swan, 72 Greylags, 2 Pinkfeet & 12 Canada Geese, 8 Gadwall, 65 Mallard, 60 Teal, 5 Tufteds, 2 Goldeneye, drake Goosander during the day with 7 at dusk, 26 Coots, Water Rail, 2 GC & 2 Little Grebes with … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 3 January 2018

2 January 2018

Mute Swan, fem. Shelduck, 11 Gadwall, 4 Goldeneye, 5 Goosanders & c40 Linnets.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 2 January 2018

1 January 2018

1 Mute Swan, 123 Teal, 7 Gadwall, drake Pochard, 4 Goldeneye, 2 GCGrebes, Water Rail, ad male Goshawk Brackenfield Churchyard, c230 Lapwings, 1 C.Snipe, Dipper on the Amber & c60 Linnets.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 1 January 2018

31 December 2017

1 Mute Swan, 82 Greylags, 45 Canada Geese & 2 Pinkfeet, 7 Gadwall, 6 C.Buzzards, f. Sparrowhawk displaying, 3 Ravens, Willow Tit, Grey Wagtail & 3 Tree Sparrows. Year ended with 159 species in total, just slightly less than average, … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 31 December 2017

30 December 2017

1 Mute Swan, 24 Canada Geese and 2 Pinkfeet with the Greylags, 4 Goldeneye, 5 Pochard, 2 Ravens, 36 Linnets & a male Brambling by the Public Hide.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on 30 December 2017