Author Archives: Val Jones

Wed 8 September 2021

2 Mute Swans, ecl. drake Shoveler, a Peregrine, a Red Kite, ad Yellow-l-Gull, 2 Kingfishers, single Sedge & Willow Warblers, 2 Yellow Wags SW.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Wed 8 September 2021

Tues 7 September 2021

2 Mute Swans, 6 Mandarins, pr of Little Grebes on Milltown Inlet have a young chick, a Hobby, 2 Common Sands, 3 Ravens, single Willow Warbler & Whitethroat, 3 Yellow Wags SW/S.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Tues 7 September 2021

Monday 6 September 2021

2 Mute Swans, 8 Gadwall, 66 Teal, 2 Wigeon, 4 Shoveler, 5 Little Grebes, 45 Lapwings, a Redshank, ad Yellow-l-Gull, 4 Ravens, 10 Chiffchaffs, 2 Willow Warblers & 4 Blackcaps. A pulse of visible migration between 1000 & 1130 saw … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Monday 6 September 2021

Sun 5 September 2021

No reports received for today.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Sun 5 September 2021

Sat 4 September 2021

.2 Shoveler, 2 Snipe, ad Yellow-l-Gull & 5 Swifts

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Sat 4 September 2021

Fri 3 September 2021

An Avocet flew off the west bank at 1405 though had probably been present some time having been heard a couple of hours before, our second this year. Also 3 Swifts, c100 House Martins, a late Garden Warbler by the … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Fri 3 September 2021

Thurs 2 September 2021

Quiet with just a Shoveler, a Swift and a singing Whitethroat.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Thurs 2 September 2021

Wed 1 September 2021

2 Mute Swans, 3 Mandarins, 8 Gadwall, 32 Teal, eclipse drake Shoveler, 109 Tufteds inc family group, 36 GCGrebes, 2 Little Grebes, 37 Lapwings, 46 BHGulls, 1 Swift, 2 Kingfishers, 19 Chiffchaffs.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Wed 1 September 2021

Tues 31 August 2021

2 Mute Swans, 10 Gadwall, 70 Teal, eclipse drake Shoveler, ad Yellow-l-Gull, 6 Swifts, Green Woodpecker, c150 House Martins, a Yellow Wagtail.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Tues 31 August 2021

Sat 28 August 2021

3 Hobbies, single Swift, a Green Woodpecker on the east bank, second Redstart this week (and year) behind the west bank.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Sat 28 August 2021