Author Archives: Val Jones

Sat 1 May 2021

4 Shelduck, a Common Sandpiper, 3 Dunlin, 3 Yellow Wagtails.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Sat 1 May 2021

Thurs 29 April 2021

2 Shelduck, 4 Oystercatchers, 10+ Lapwings, 8 LRPlovers, ad Ringed Plover, 1 Dunlin, 1 Common Sand, 2 Curlews, 2 Whimbrel (first of year) 1630 to 1720 when they were disturbed by a LBBGull and departed, 2 Arctic Terns through NE … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Thurs 29 April 2021

Wed 28 April 2021

2 Shelduck, a drake Common Scoter, 37 GCGrebes, a Peregrine, 4 Oystercatchers, 6+ LRPlovers, 2 Common Sandpipers, a Redshank, a Dunlin, a Curlew, 7 Arctic Terns (5+2) flew through NE, 2 Ravens, 7 Swifts, 8 Yellow & 5 White Wagtails.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Wed 28 April 2021

Tues 27 April 2021

3 Greylag broods, 5 Mandarins, 16 Gadwall, 12 Teal, 28 Tufteds, 4 Sparrowhawks, 4 Oystercatchers, 8 LRPlovers, 12 Lapwings, 1 Dunlin, 2 Redshank, a Greenshank through, 2 Common Sandpipers, 5 Curlews, one Snipe, a Common Tern, a Swift, 2 Willow … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Tues 27 April 2021

Mon 26 April 2021

A drake Goldeneye still, a Red Kite, 2 Redshank and the first Dunlin, Lesser Whitethroat & Garden Warbler of the year.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Mon 26 April 2021

Sun 25 April 2021

Highlight today was Ogston’s earliest ever Wood Sandpiper, the twenty-first record, the last being the previous earliest spring record on 9 May 2017. Also 2 Common Terns, FOY Swift and 4 Yellow Wags.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Sun 25 April 2021

Sat 24 April 2021

3 Shelduck, 2 Curlew, 2/3 Common Sands, a Common Tern, 2 Whitethroats.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Sat 24 April 2021

Fri 23 April 2021

5 Mandarins, 8 LRPlovers, 1 Common Sand, 2 Whitethroats, 2 Yellow Wagtails.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Fri 23 April 2021

Thurs 22 April 2021

Pr. Of Greylags with five young, 3 Mallard broods this week, drake Tufted/Pochard hybrid, drake Goldeneye, 4 Oystercatchers, 7 LRPlovers, 3 Snipe, 2 Whitethroats (first of year), 1 Willow Tit. A late Brambling was singing near the Member’s Hide track.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Thurs 22 April 2021

Wed 21 April 2021

7 Mandarins, 48 Teal, 10 Gadwall, 3 Goldeneye (one drake), 3 f. Goosander, 2 Sparrowhawks, a fem. Marsh Harrier 1620-35 before flying NE, 4 Oystercatchers, 6 Lapwings, 6 LRPlovers, 2 Curlew, 3+ C.Snipe, a Little Owl, a Green Woodpecker and … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Wed 21 April 2021