Budby Common, Notts

Meeting Point: Marked Car Park on the maps below SK603703, but see more details in the text (W3W – screening.library.skylights) Time: 08:30 Lunch: bring drink and packed lunch if you want to go to the Welbeck Raptor Watch Point afterwards  Transport: Members cars Cost: free Leader: Martin Kaye

The target species on this trip is the Woodlark so before you come, swot up on the call and song.  In addition, the area is rich in woodland birds and those that prefer open scrub.
Because of significant roadside changes, the location of the car parking for Budby has had to change as shown on the maps below. The first map shows the overall location in relation to towns and roads and the second shows in more detail the location of the car park at Budby Pumping Station. Beware, the ‘colourless’ road off Netherfield Lane has a couple of wheel swallowing potholes so becareful – Drive as far as the gate across the track. The walking consists of easy tracks but boots are recommended.  Gradients are shallow but we will have to walk nearly 5 miles to see everything although members can return at any time.

At the Welbeck Raptor Watch Point, parking is on the grass verge with viewing from beside the cars. We would hope to see a variety of raptors (possibility of Goshawk).  However, the viewing distance is large so bring a scope if you have one.