Category Archives: JMNR News

This section shows news items specific to the Jim Mart Nature Reserve. It pulls together the posts from JMNR Sightings and JMNR Work Parties.

JMNR Sightings – 2nd June 2019

From logbook – Ian W 2 Moorhen, on Hide Pond, female Mandarin with chicks on brook, hundreds of tadpoles in brook above weir, 2 Robins, 2 Blue Tits, 1 Heron, 2 Mallards, 1 Tawny owl, 1 Kestrel. Nikki M Common … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 29th May 2018

Nikki M Common Blue, Orange-tip, Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Wood, Peacock, GV White, Grass Rivulet, Nettle tap. Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetle. Large Red damsel, Azure damsel, Blue-tailed damsel, 4-Spot Chaser. Limnephilus lunatus (caddis fly). In flower: Cut-leaf Cransbill, Hogweed.

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JMNR Sightings – 28th May 2018

This gallery contains 6 photos.

Nikki M – A rather warm afternoon on the reserve 22ºC. Chiffchaff, Whitethroat, Bullfinch, Blackcap, 2 Moorhen, Great tit chicks being fed in box over Hide pond (opp. end to hide). Peacock, Green-veined White, Orange-tip, Common Blue butterflies. Ancylis badiana, … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 20th May 2018

From logbook Nikki M pm: Butterfly transect, species recorded: Brimstone, Speckled Wood, Orange-tip, Peackock, GV White, Holly Blue. Latticed Heath, Grass Rivulet. Large Red damselflies, Azure damselflies. Tadpoles Bottom Pond and Hide Pond. Wood Pigeon, Whitethroat, Blue tit, Moorhen. Rabbit … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 19th May 2018

From logbook – Ian Wilbur 2 Swifts, Chiffchaff, 2 Tawny Owls, 2 Blue tit, 1 Nuthatch, 1 Rabbit, 2 Blackbird, 2 Moorhen, 1 Mandarin, 1 Mallard, 1 Heron.

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JMNR Sightings – 14th May 2018

From Logbook – Nikki M late pm Bee Orchid leaves, Marsh Orchid, Hybrid Orchid leaves. Orange tip, Speckled Wood, Peacock, Green-veined White. Blackcap, Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Pheasant, 3 Mandarin, Moorhen. Large Red damselflies. Fish jumping in the brook. (Also Lattice Heath … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 12th May 2018

Work party – Paul B, Jeff D, Nikki M JD clearing nettles, PB & NM burning material in fire pit Chiffchaff, Carrion Crow, Whitethroat, Wren, Blackcap, Pheasant heard, GS Woodpecker, Moorhen (heard), Great tit, Wood pigeon, Greenfinch (heard). Orange-tip 8, … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 11th May 2018

From logbook – Jeff Davis, 10.30 – 3.00 pm, trimming paths, cloudy with cool breeze. Lots of St Marks flies. Several orange tips and a few white butterflies over reserve on dandelions. 1 rabbit ran off on central hedge towards … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – May 10th 2018

Nikki M – 4.30pm Kestrel, Whitethroat, male Blackcap, GS Woodpecker, Moorhen. Orange tip, Peacock, Speckled Wood, GV White. In flower:  Forget-me-not, Dandelion, Cow Parsley, Red Campion, Yellow Archangel, Cowslip, Bluebell, Daisy, White Dead Nettle, Rowan blossom, Cuckoo flower, Speedwell, Water-cress … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 7th May 2018

From logbook – Ian Wilbur Pair of Mandarin, 1 Kestrel, 2 Blue Tit, 2 Rabbit, 1 Nuthatch, 2 Long-tailed tit, Chiffchaff 1 Buzzard.

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