Category Archives: JMNR News

This section shows news items specific to the Jim Mart Nature Reserve. It pulls together the posts from JMNR Sightings and JMNR Work Parties.

JMNR Sightings – 6th May 2018

From logbook – John Parlby 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker. Speckled Wood, many Orange Tip, Green-veined White (survey done, will send in or try again for better results).

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JMNR Sightings – 5th May 2018

From logbook – Jeff Davis, warm sunny pm 13:00-14:00 Many Orange tips flying in the reserve, 1 Peacock, 1 Comma near stream, 1 male Brimstone near stream, 1 female Brimstone near road hedge. 1 newt spotted. Small cranefly types ovipositing … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 1st May 2018

From logbook – Ian W 6 pheasant eggs smashed in block C2. 1 Brown Hare by pumphouse. 1 Blackbird, 2 Mandarin. Sightings Nikki M – midday 14C Woodpigeon, Magpie, Chiffchaff, Pheasant (heard), Blackbird, Whitethroat, Blue tit, Great tit.  10 Orange … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 29th April 2019

From Logbook – John Parlby, 8C breezy 3 male Orange Tips.

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JMNT Sightings – 27th April 2018

From logbook – Ian White 1 Blackcap, 2 Robins, 2 Mallard, 2 Mandarin, 1 Kestrel, 1 Blue tit, 1 Great tit. 1 Stoat.

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JMNR Sightings – 22nd April 2019

From Logbook – Jeff Davis 14:00-15:00, sunny but with cool wind, warmer down by stream. 4 Orange tips, 1 Peacock, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Brimstone, all flying along stream for bank C6b. Squirrels looking out of owl box C1/H1. 2 … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – April 21st 2018

Nikki M, Lunchtime 21C 1 male and 1 female Orange Tip, 3 Peacock, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 male Brimstone. Chiffchaff, G Tit, B Tit, Robin, Dunnock, Woodpigeon, Magpie, 2 Kestrel. In flower: Coltsfoot, Forget-me-not, Meadow Cransbill, Bluebell, Cowslip, Dog Violet. … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 20th April 2018

From Logbook – John Parlby 1 male Brimstone

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JMNR Sightings – April 19th 2018

Nikki M Buzzard in tree above pumphouse and 2 male and 1 female Mandarin on the hide roof when arriving to empty the moth trap. Chaffinch, Dunnock, Chiffchaff. 16ºC @ 8am.

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JMNR Moth Trapping – 18th April 2018

This gallery contains 3 photos.

The moth trap was set up near the hide on the evening of 18th April and emptied the following morning. 64 moths were recorded, 2 of the 13 species were new for the site (shown in bold). Early Thorn 1, Hebrew … Continue reading

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