Category Archives: JMNR News

This section shows news items specific to the Jim Mart Nature Reserve. It pulls together the posts from JMNR Sightings and JMNR Work Parties.

JMNR butterfly and dragonfly transects – 19th April 2017

Week 3. Dave Clay visited the reserve in what has been largely a cold week. Nevertheless one male Orange-tip was found braving the conditions. Not surprisingly, there were no early dragonflies or damselflies.

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JMNR butterfly and dragonfly transects – 9th April 2017

Week 2 – John Parlby recorded Comma (1), Orange-tip (15), Peacock (2), Small Tortoiseshell (3), Small White (1), Speckled Wood (1). This was the largest number of butterflies recorded in week 2 since we started the transect in 2013. Despite … Continue reading

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JMNR butterfly and dragonfly transects – 3rd April 2017

The start of the 26 week butterfly transect recording season. This year our volunteer team will also be recording adult dragonflies and damselflies. Week 1 – Nikki Mahadevan saw 3 Peacock and 2 Comma butterflies on the transect, and later … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings 2nd April 2017

Midday 15C Small Tortoiseshell, a bumblebee, Mandarins and Mallards on Brook, Chiffchaffs, Blue tit, Nuthatch, Wren, Great tit, Wood pigeon. Frogs mating – Bottom pond. Wood Anemone, Dogs Mercury, Coltsfoot in flower.

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JMNR – March 25th 2017

N. Mahadevan Comma butterfly.

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JMNR – 18th March 2017

Sightings from today’s work party members. Birds: Blackbird, Blue Tit, Chiffchaff (singing), Goldfinch, Grey Heron, Mandarin (a pair did three flyovers), Nuthatch, Raven (heard calling), Redwing, Robin, Woodpigeon, Wren. Invertebrates: Shoulder Stripe moth Earophila badiata. This is only the second … Continue reading

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JMNR – 18th March 2017 work party report

Four members attended this month’s work party in showery but mild conditions. The west ditch was cleared as planned, Buddleia pruned (all four), and various areas cleared of dead vegetation. See the separate post for the wildlife sightings.

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JMNR – March 15th 2017

From log book – Jeff Davis 13.00-14.45 Sunny, light winds 1 Chiffchaff moving around C2-C4, 1 Buzzard flew over, 4 Great tit, 1 Blue tit in central hedge, 1 Cock pheasant, 1 Nuthatch in trees  C6b, 1 Moorhen. Small group … Continue reading

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JMNR work party – Saturday 18th March 2017

This month we will be clearing the north and west ditches of any accumulated debris and obstructions. Typically this involves lifting out broken branches, cutting back bramble runners, removing any tall vegetation, raking along the channel and possibly shovelling out … Continue reading

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JMNR – March 4th 2017

N. Mahadevan pm 11C In flower: Snowdrops, Crocus, Celandine. Long-tailed tit, Great tit, Blue tit, Robin, Buzzard, Kestrel, Moorhen. Frogspawn Bottom Pond. Fungi (Jew’s Ear). Millipede – Polydesmus sp. (ispot:

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