This gallery contains 1 photo.
The moth trap was set up on the evening of 5th August near the hide and emptied at 8.30am the following morning. A number of moths on the outside of the trap are likely have flown off at daylight. A … Continue reading
A few days before this month’s work party the first of this year’s cuts of the little ‘hay meadow’ will be made. Therefore the main task will be raking up the cuttings, along with any on the paths, and barrowing … Continue reading
Speckled Wood, Painted Lady, 5 Peacock, 4 Comma, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Small Skipper, Large White, Green-veined White, 3 Small Copper. Shaded Broad-bar, Udea lutealis, Celypha lacunana. Southern Hawker, Brown Hawker, Common Darter. Picromerus bidens (Spiked shield bug), Sericomyia silentis (Bog … Continue reading
Amongst the usual range of butterflies at the reserve this afternoon were at least two, possibly four, Painted Lady. The one in this photograph doesn’t look like it has travelled far, it might be the British-born offspring of a migrant … Continue reading
In the second of two visits for week 19 Nikki Mahadevan recorded 54 individuals from 9 species: Comma (4), Gatekeeper (11), Green-veined White (15), Large White (1), Meadow Brown (13), Peacock (2), Red Admiral (4), Small Skipper (3), and Speckled … Continue reading
This gallery contains 1 photo.
The moth trap was set up on the evening of 5th August near the hide and emptied at 8.30am the following morning. A number of moths on the outside of the trap are likely have flown off at daylight. A … Continue reading
In the first of two visits for week 19 Nikki Mahadevan recorded 52 individuals from 8 species: Comma (7), Gatekeeper (8), Green-veined White (19), Meadow Brown (9), Peacock (1), Red Admiral (4), Ringlet (2), and Small Skipper (2). Additional butterfly … Continue reading
Birds: Blackbird, Common Buzzard, Pheasant, Robin, Woodpigeon. Butterflies: Comma (5), Gatekeeper (2), Green-veined White, Meadow Brown (2), Peacock, Red Admiral (3), Ringlet, Small Skipper (2), Small White, Speckled Wood (2). Moth: Shaded Broad-bar. Damselfly: Jeff Davies found at least three … Continue reading
Keith Turton endured the torment of an active and well-diversified insect fauna, on a windless afternoon, to carry out the week 18 transect walk. He survived, and recorded Comma (1), Gatekeeper (12), Green-veined White (11), Large White (2), Meadow Brown … Continue reading
Birds: A juvenile Mandarin Duck on the Hide Pond, Moorhen, Woodpigeon. Butterflies: Plenty of butterflies about this morning – Comma, Essex Skipper (see photo – the key characteristic separating this from the Small Skipper is the black underside to the … Continue reading
After emptying the moth trap: Moorhen, Wood Pigeon. Green-veined White, Ringlet, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Comma. Straw Dot, Nettle tap, Latticed Heath, Narrow-bordered 5-spot Burnet, Udea lutealis, Argyresthia goedartella. Large Red damselfly, Emerald damselfly, Common Darter. A longhorn beetle – Rutpela … Continue reading