This gallery contains 2 photos.
The moth trap was set up on the evening of July 23rd. A Brown Hare came to see what I was up to! There were 12 Shaded Broad-bar on the outside of the trap in the morning and I suspected … Continue reading
This gallery contains 2 photos.
The moth trap was set up on the evening of July 23rd. A Brown Hare came to see what I was up to! There were 12 Shaded Broad-bar on the outside of the trap in the morning and I suspected … Continue reading
Recent good weather has boosted butterfly numbers again, with John Parlby recording 77 individuals of 8 species on the week 17 transect walk. Although Ringlets appear to be coming to the end of their short flight period, the number of … Continue reading
Another visit by Jeff Davies to record the damselflies and dragonflies using the Bottom Pond, as part of the PondNet Adult Dragonflies Survey. 1 Azure and 1 Large Red Damselfly; 2 Common Darter and 2 Brown Hawker dragonflies, with the … Continue reading
The reserve was “heaving with ringlets – both on and off the transect” according to Alan Kydd, who carried out the recording for week 16 of the butterfly season. Fifty four butterflies were recorded on the transect (a five metre … Continue reading
A bug – Calocoris stysi (also known as Grypocoris stysi), Emerald damselfly, Azure damselfly, Comma.
Jeff Davies recorded the damselflies and dragonflies using the Bottom Pond, as part of the PondNet Adult Dragonflies Survey. Thirty to forty Azure Damselflies were seen, with evidence of mating and ovipositing taking place, and three Large Red Damselflies. There … Continue reading
Whitethroat, Bullfinch, Blackcap, Moorhen Meadow Brown 22, Ringlet 30, Green-veined White 3, Large White 2, Speckled Wood 4, Large Skipper 3, Gatekeeper 1, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Shaded Broad-bar 2, Latticed Heath, Udea lutealis. Golden-bloomed Grey-longhorn Beetle, Southern Hawker, Brown Hawker, … Continue reading
After moth trap emptied/work party Large White, Speckled Wood, Comma, Green-veined White, Brown China Mark, Golden-bloomed Grey-longhorn beetle, a longhorn beetle (Rutpela maculata), Azure damselfly, Large Red damselfly, pair of 22-spot ladybird, a sawfly.
This gallery contains 1 photo.
The moth trap was set up at the hide end of the garden hedge, on the evening of July 15th, and emptied before the work party the following morning. A total of 33 species were recorded with 5 new records … Continue reading
Paul Beard found a bumper crop of butterflies during the week 15 transect walk: Green-veined White (6), Large Skipper (6), Large White (3), Meadow Brown (9), Ringlet (42), Speckled Wood (3).