Category Archives: JMNR News

This section shows news items specific to the Jim Mart Nature Reserve. It pulls together the posts from JMNR Sightings and JMNR Work Parties.

JMNR 7th November 2015

3 Moorhens on the Hide Pond.

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JMNR 2nd November 2015

Jay (2), Long-tailed Tit, Nuthatch, Robin, Woodpigeon.

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JMNR Sightings 1st November 2015

Bullfinch, Great Tit, Wood Pigeon, Magpie. 1 Southern Hawker over Bottom Pond, 7 Comma on Bramble, Hawthorn Shieldbug, Noon Fly,  a Mirid bug Pantilius tunicatus, Woolly Alder Aphid larva (Eriocampa ovata).

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JMNR 31st October 2015

A pleasant afternoon at the reserve with autumn sunshine and next to no wind, 13 degrees C. Birds: Blackbird, Carrion Crow, Common Buzzard, Magpie, Mallard (pair), Robin, Woodpigeon. Butterflies: Comma, Speckled Wood. Dragonflies: A Hawker, presumed to be Southern, working … Continue reading

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JMNR 17th October 2015

Sightings from this morning’s work party members (updated 19th October): Birds: Common Buzzard, Goldfinch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Grey Wagtail, Long-tailed tit, Woodpigeon. Butterflies: Comma, Speckled Wood. Moths: Grey Dagger (larva), Ruby Tiger (larva), Nut Leaf Blister Moth Phyllonorycter coryli (blister-like … Continue reading

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JMNR – 17th October 2015 work party report

A good turnout of regulars and wheelbarrows ensured that all the key tasks were completed in good time. The advertised “monster bonfire” was more of a controlled slow-burn due to some overnight dampness, but it achieved what was asked of … Continue reading

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Moth Trapping JMNR October 16th

This gallery contains 4 photos.

The moth trap was set up on the evening of 16th October and emptied before the work party the following morning. It was a modest catch with just four moth species, however, all were new records for the site: 1 … Continue reading

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JMNR 14th October 2015

Although the temperature only rose to 11 degrees Centigrade this morning, there were still 10+ Speckled Wood flying in the sheltered areas near the brook, but no other butterflies to be seen.  A single Common Darter was in the same … Continue reading

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JMNR work party – Saturday 17th October 2015

If you need a respite from all the work parties at Ogston Reservoir, or perhaps want to help out but can only come at the weekend, then please consider joining the next work party at the Jim Mart Nature Reserve. … Continue reading

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JMNR 11th October 2015

A Dipper was seen flying up and down the brook during the morning, by Dick Johnson. This was the first record of Dipper for the reserve.

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