Category Archives: JMNR News

This section shows news items specific to the Jim Mart Nature Reserve. It pulls together the posts from JMNR Sightings and JMNR Work Parties.

JMNR 5th December 2014

4 deg C. pm. Blackbird (1), Bullfinch (1), Mallard in brook (2), Woodpigeon (1). Common Frog (Adult). A few Black Knapweed in flower (C6a)(C3a).

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JMNR 30th November 2014

Buzzard, Blue Tit, Chaffinch, Tree Creeper, Robin, Blackbird, Goldfinch. Prints on Mink raft. NM

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JMNR 15th November 2014

Despite more, and at times heavier, rain than had been forecast, this morning’s work party managed to complete the key tasks of finishing the clearance of vegetation from around the Hide Pond, gaining further ground in the ongoing bramble battle, … Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 15th November 2014

The November work party will be the final one for this year, so we aim to finish the clearance of vegetation from the surroundings of the Hide Pond. We will then move on to removing bramble ‘runners’ from where they … Continue reading

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JMNR 31st October 2014

An unseasonably mild morning saw a Common Darter and a Southern Hawker making the most of the sunshine. A few plants were in flower: Birdsfoot Trefoil (C2), Bramble (C4a, C6b), Common Daisy (CP), Creeping Thistle (HP), Dandelion (C3a, C4b), Hedge … Continue reading

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JMNR 18th October 2014

Just two members braved the unseasonably mild and dry conditions and the light breezes to tackle maintenance work at the club’s nature reserve this morning. As a result it was not possible to clear all of the vegetation round the … Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 18th October 2014

The October work party will be concentrating on clearing vegetation from the surroundings of the Hide Pond. It will involve pulling up, digging out, cutting down and carting away most of the taller perennials and brambles to return some of … Continue reading

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JMNR 11th October 2014

Blue Tit (2), Great Tit, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Magpie, Mistle Thrush (8 in big Ash on the other-side of Press Lane), Nuthatch, Starling (12 in big Ash on the other-side of Press Lane), Wren. King Alfred’s Cakes on bough of … Continue reading

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JMNR 1st October 2014

The fine weather provided an opportunity to continue butterfly recording beyond the normal 26 week ‘season’. The week 27 survey, by John Parlby, recorded 4 Speckled Wood and 7 Comma. John also noted 2 Southern Hawkers & 2 Migrant Hawkers.

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JMNR Moth Trapping 27th September 2014

Trap set evening 27th and emptied morning of 26th. Not a very exciting catch! 2 Green Carpet, 1 Canary Thorn.

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