Category Archives: JMNR Sightings

These are sightings for the Jim Mart NR. Please record your sightings in the hide logbook or send them to the Site Records Co-ordinator, Paul Beard.

JMNR Sightings – 26th March 2019

From logbook: Nikki M 14:00 sunny Chiffchaff, Blackbird, Blue tit, Robin. Bottom Pond – Toads, frogspawn and newly hatched frogspawn. Brown Hare. In flower: Primrose, Dog Mercury, Celandine, Daffodil, Daisy, Dandelion, opp. leaved Saxifage, Wood Anemone. Leaves on Rowan, Hawthorn … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 24th March 2019

From logbook: JP 13:50 Red Kite over land behind hide.

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JMNR Sightings – 25th February 2019

From logbook: JP, 2.40pm sunny and warm 1 Peacock Butterfly

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JMNR Bird Box Survey – 31st January 2019

M Kaye, B Padley, J Davies, J Parlby Work party to record last season’s nest box activity and to clean out and carry out any maintenance required on the nest boxes.

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JMNR Moth Records – Summary 2018

Overnight moth traps were set up on four occasions. In addition, casual dayflying moth sightings were recorded throughout the year. 79 different species of moth were recorded 12 of which were new site records, bringing the total number of moth … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 29th December 2018

From logbook –  Jeff Davis 11-13.30, dry but cold north west wind 3 Fieldfares in trees other side of brook. Later c20 Redwings flew into trees from fields. 1 Heron in brook. Small mixed flock of long-tailed tits flew up … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 13th November 2018

From logbook – Jeff Davis, 12.15-12.45 Buzzard flew over Liz’s Wood. 2 Male Blackbird, 1 Robin, 3 Goldfinches in hedge H3.

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JMNR Sightings – 24th October 2018

From logbook – Jeff Davis, 12.10-15.30, weather sunny but with a cold wind. no sightings of butterflies or dragonflies.

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JMNR Sightings – 17th October 2018

Form logbook – Jeff Davis 12-14.00 weather warmed up by 12, sun broke through. there were still 4 Commas on C6b. Finished clearing 1 side of Cyril’s patch and have cut down to suckers from the hedge around Cyril’s patch. … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings – 9th October 2018

From logbook – Jeff Davis, sunny pm with cool breeze. 5 Commas feeding on blackberries on bramblesby stream C6b. One dragonfly flew on Bottom Pond. 1 Red Admiral on tree C6a. 1 Moorhen on Hide Pond. On clearing and cutting … Continue reading

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