Category Archives: News & What’s On

November 2015 Guided Walk Report

Report by Jenny Johnson, 7/11/15 Blustery winds were bound to result in our quarry hunkering down in whatever shelter presented itself. By the 10.30 rout around 22 species had been recorded including the handsome Red – breasted Goose showing well on … Continue reading

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Will this attract you down to the hides?

Since the first stage of the autumn work has been completed on the site, it’s now a lot easier to see what’s about.  A water pipit was reported recently and without the cutting back of the vegetation, it would not … Continue reading

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Report on work progress at Ogston 19th Oct

A tremendous amount of work has been carried out at Ogston during September and October and as you can see from the photos below, views from either the Sue Worsey or the Main Hide, are much improved. In the near future we … Continue reading

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Ogston Work Party – Mon 26th Oct

The work party is, as usual, scheduled for 09:30 – 12:30 although the insane and those without a home to go to, work on into the afternoon.  The work to be done includes: 1. Raking up the vegetation cut on … Continue reading

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Ospreys at Ogston

We had an amazing few weeks at Ogston with Osprey sightings being unprecedented. These hopefully being enjoyed by all. Certainly many people visited the reservoir keen to see these birds. Some never having seen an Osprey before. The sightings being regular and I … Continue reading

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Ogston Work Party – Mon 19th Oct

Yet another work party for the dedicated/foolish/those that haven’t been before.  Much the same as for previous work parties, scrub clearance, willow lopping and burning.  A lot of effort has been put in by members over the last few weeks … Continue reading

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Ogston Work Party – Thurs 15th Oct

If there’s anyone up for a bit more labour, there’s a need to burn the rubbish that we cut from the last effort on Monday.  Those without arsonist tendencies might wish to continue with scrub clearance and/or try out the … Continue reading

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Kingfisher Pond is revealed

Friday 9th Oct  

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Ogston work party – Mon 12th Oct

The work party is 09:30 – 12:30.  The work will focus on clearing willow (loppers) and scrub (rake, sickle/shears) from round the ponds and raking and burning the cut grass from the meadow.  In addition, the bullrushes pulled from the Kingfisher … Continue reading

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Now you can see out of the Sue Worsey Hide

After today’s work party, it’s now possible to see out of all three windows of the Sue Worsey Hide so while the good weather holds and if you’re interested in watching dragonflies, now might be a good time to go. … Continue reading

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