Category Archives: News & What’s On

Ogston Work Party – Sun 4th October

By special request from a member that works during the week, a weekend work party has been arranged for this Sunday.  The work will include raking up the vegetation cut by the flail and digging weed from the edge of … Continue reading

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September 2015 Work Party Progress Report

Two very well attended working parties were held on the 23rd and 28th September with 15 and 12 members carrying out a variety of tasks.  These included trimming the hedge alongside the track approaching the main hide, opening up a gap … Continue reading

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Ogston Work Party – Wed 30th September

Intended to be less strenuous  then the previous two (see report and photos) unless of course the fit and able are capable of breaking their backs again.  Work to include burning the piles of vegetation, surveying the area in front of … Continue reading

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Second Ogston Work Party – Mon 28th September 2015

Very much a repeat of last Wednesday’s successful work party, i.e. starting at 09:30 and running through until 12:30 and carrying out grass cutting and scrub clearance. If possible bring any/all of the following, equipment e.g. sickle/scythe, fork, rake, loppers. Please … Continue reading

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Ogston Work Party – Wed 23rd September 2015

Weather looks fine for Wednesday.  Starting at 09:30 and running through until 12:30. The work will still be mainly grass and scrub clearing so if possible bring any/all of the following, equipment e.g. sickle/scythe, fork, rake, loppers. If you haven’t already … Continue reading

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Sun 13th Sept – trip to RSPB Frampton Marsh

Currently there are some interesting waders at Frampton so given good weather, next weekend could be a good time to go.  However, so that I can judge whether it is worth running this trip, I’d be grateful if you would let Martin … Continue reading

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August Newsletter

The August Newsletter has now been published and can be found, and printed, on ‘About Ogston Bird Club/Newsletters’

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Osprey Sightings Update

Following my recent article I would like to thank all those who have sent photos and reports of sightings, this is very much appreciated. We have continually seen two birds and I can now confirm that we definitely have two females. It … Continue reading

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Osprey Sightings

If any member sees an Osprey in the vicinity of the reservoir it would be appreciated if they would make an entry in the hide diary, also please inform John Parlby ([email protected]). Please include as much information as possible, e.g. … Continue reading

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CANCELLED – Alport Castles trip – Tues 14/7/15

This trip has been cancelled because of the poor weather forecast.  It will be rescheduled if a more favourable opportunity arises. 

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