Category Archives: News & What’s On

The Flora of Derbyshire

Below is an article which may be of interest to some members regarding the recent publication of the excellent book The Flora of Derbyshire.

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Cancelled – Frampton Trip on 9th August 2015

This trip now clashes with the ‘Hen Harrier Day’ which is being organised in the Peak District. As a consequence, the committee decided that in order to allow all members the opportunity to support Hen Harriers, it would be best … Continue reading

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25th June and 1st July evening Nightjar trips

There are still a few places left on both nightjar trips this Thursday evening and next Wed evening.  Note, booking is essential – don’t just turn up because we are only allowed a certain number.  Details on the TRIPS section … Continue reading

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New update to Padley Gorge Trip – 7th June 2015

Because I shall be away for the next two and a half weeks, if you wish to go and haven’t already booked with me, contact Paul Beard – Paul’s email Yesterday I went over to Padley, took a few photos, a … Continue reading

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2015 A.G.M.

AGM – Thursday May 14th 2015 – North Wingfield Community Centre, Whiteleas Avenue, Northwingfield,  S42 5PW, starting at 7.30 pm After the formal proceedings are over, we welcome Paul Bennett to talk to us about the new RSPB Reserves at … Continue reading

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Scottish Trip to Nethy Bridge – 2 places available

Two places have recently become available on the club’s trip to the Aviemore area.  Details are as follows: Transport minibus door to door Leaving evening of Thurs 16th April and driving up overnight Return date Friday 24th April Accommodation hotel – half … Continue reading

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Willow Screen erected

Thanks to the expertise, perseverance and forbearance of Julia Smith, not very ably abetted by Dag Marshall and Martin Kaye, the willow screen was erected in order to eventually hide birders from the birds near the Sue Worsley hide as … Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 21st March 2015

For those members who are not going on the annual club outing to the Ladybower Reservoir, the alternative destination of the Jim Mart Nature Reserve could be worth trying. Like Ladybower, our reserve has a reservoir and, whilst Ring Ouzel … Continue reading

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“It’s looking the best it’s been for 6 years.”

Was one of the comments made at the end of the last work party by a long time member.  Other than a couple of willow screens which we hope to put up near the hides on Monday morning (16th Mar), … Continue reading

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Memorial Trip to Bempton – Tue 28th April

In November 2014, a former well known member of Ogston Bird Club, John Tagg, sadly passed away. John bequeathed some bird watching equipment to the club, which was subsequently sold for around £900.00. His family suggested that the money might be used … Continue reading

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