Category Archives: News & What’s On

Work Party Report – 3/3/15

Many thanks from the club to the 11 members who took part.  The weather was kind to us and a great deal was achieved.  The contractor using a flail, has made a massive difference to the scrub area between the … Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 21st February 2015

So, today is Valentine’s Day. Once that brief novelty has faded it makes sense to turn to that true love of your life: wildlife and the outdoors. It might be 50 shades of grey outside but you can cheer yourself … Continue reading

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Local School Out for the Count!

Pupils at Stretton Handley C of E Primary School have recently completed 3 surveys for The Big Schools’ Birdwatch which takes place every January. The school is within the recording area for Ogston Bird Club and is often on the … Continue reading

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January 2015 Guided Bird Walk Report

Ogston Bird Club January guided bird walk report Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 17th January 2015

A Happy New Year to everyone. If you haven’t made enough resolutions for 2015 yet, then why not aim to help out (more) at the club’s only wholly-owned nature reserve. You could even abandon some of those guilt-driven resolutions which … Continue reading

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December 2014 guided bird walk

‘Twas a finger-numbing , windscreen – scraping start to the day for those of us with so much clutter in our garages they hadn’t seen a car in decades . However compensation was a clear blue sky , perfect reflections … Continue reading

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John Tagg

Many of you will remember a long standing member of Ogston Bird Club, John Tagg, I am sorry to let you know that I have been informed by Maggie Campbell he has died. Anyone who would like to attend the funeral, … Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 15th November 2014

The November work party will be the final one for this year, so we aim to finish the clearance of vegetation from the surroundings of the Hide Pond. We will then move on to removing bramble ‘runners’ from where they … Continue reading

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Improved view from Sue Worsley hide

Further scrub clearance took place today giving a much improved view from two of the three windows in the Sue Worsley hide.  Thanks to the three committee members who carried out the work.

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Work party successes – Sun 12th Oct

On a gorgeous Sunday morning, eleven members of the club made a tremendous difference to the view from the main hide.  The pictures below, which were taken from the main hide, speak for themselves. Many thanks to those that turned … Continue reading

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