Category Archives: News & What’s On

Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 18th October 2014

The October work party will be concentrating on clearing vegetation from the surroundings of the Hide Pond. It will involve pulling up, digging out, cutting down and carting away most of the taller perennials and brambles to return some of … Continue reading

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Ogston Work Party

There will be a work party to clear scrub in front of the main hide and Sue Worsey hide, clear the channels and a general tidy up on Sunday 12th October 09:30 to 12:30 please come and help, if possible … Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 20th September 2014

The August work party dealt with a lot of tasks, yet the bonfire remained unlit. So, bonfire, trim back the roadside and middle hedges, reduce green algae from the bottom pond, rake mole hills and fill depressions in the paths, … Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 16th August 2014

July’s work party was a bit of a washout, yet one hardy soul did brave the deluge for the whole of the morning. So, this Saturday’s tasks read like a rerun of last month’s – pulling out cleavers (i.e. goose-grass), … Continue reading

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Hen Harrier Day in Derbys

A Message from Mark Avery: Thank you for registering for this Hen Harrier Day event in the Peak District on 10 August 2014.  Here are some details and a link to where you can get even more details. Chris Packham … Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 19th July 2014

July’s work party will be targeting the reserve’s flourishing vegetation. Some jobs have already been dealt with, for example Dick Johnson voluntarily devoted the whole of last Saturday morning to single-handedly clearing the base of the north hedge of grass … Continue reading

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Cancelled – Blacktoft trip on 6th/13th July

Apologies from the trip organiser – due to his incompetence/forgetfulness, he changed the trip date to the 13th (so he could watch the Tour de France) but forgot to amend the website.  To date no one had signed up so … Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 21st June

Nature has gone wild at the reserve since last month’s work party, so there are plenty of (relatively easy) jobs needing some input – typically trimming back the green stuff where it threatens to swamp out our carefully nurtured young … Continue reading

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Ban driven grouse shooting. Dr Mark Avery

Ban driven grouse shooting Responsible department: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs  Intensive management of upland areas for the ‘sport’ of grouse shooting has led to the near-extinction of the protected Hen Harrier in England, as well as increased … Continue reading

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Hen Harrier Day

Mark Avery I was in the Peak District for a few days last week  – after seeing a Hen Harrier in Snowdonia at 0643 on the 60th anniversary of the Protection of Birds Act becoming law. I celebrated with a … Continue reading

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