Category Archives: Trips


Report on trip to Old Moor RSPB reserve – 6/4/17

Three members had arrived in the Old Moor car park by the appointed time of 9:30am and, under the direction of Jeff Davies, duly set off with a target of finding sixty species. The sun shone warmly all day, but … Continue reading

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1st April 2017 walk

Gadwall, Cormorant, Tufted Duck, Great Crested Grebe, Crow, Sand Martin, Swallow, L B backed Gull, Goldeneye, Graylag Goose, Robin, Chiff Chaff, Lapwing, Blue tit, Teal, Snipe, Wood pigeon, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Reed Bunting, Mandarin Duck, Oystercatcher, Mallard, Coot, Little Grebe, Grey … Continue reading

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Derwent Trip Saturday 18th March CANCELLED

The weather forecast for the Peak District is pretty dire over the weekend with strong winds and the possibility of heavy rain. Of all the trips we undertake, this one is the most at risk from adverse weather but in … Continue reading

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Report on trip to Budby Common – 8/3/17

Ten members assembled beside the extremely noisy A616 at 08:30 then quickly moved onto the relative peace of the Common.  There was very little wind and though the sky was cloudy, it was reasonably warm.  However, very little could be … Continue reading

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March 2017 – Guided walk report

After a day of continuous rain it was something of a surprise when the walk leader, Paul Beard, set off in search of “plenty of mud”. The dire predictions proved to be wildly overstated and all of the 20+ party … Continue reading

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Rufford CP Trip Report – Tues 21st Feb 2017

For the 3 members who arrived at 07:55, this was an incredibly successful trip because they saw all the birds that had been targeted. The leader who arrived at 08:10 was highly miffed because he ‘dipped’ on the Hawfinches which … Continue reading

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February 2017 – Guided walk report

Nigel Cater stood in for our regular leader and set out with a large party of 27, on a sunny but rather cold day, for the complete circuit of the reservoir in the usual anti-clockwise direction. This report currently lists … Continue reading

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7th January 2017 Guided Walk.

The first walk of 2017 took place on a mild, dry day. Paul Beard led a group of sixteen adults and two children to Brackenfield and back. A total of 48 species were seen. Species: Blackbird, Buzzard, Black-headed Gull, Bullfinch, … Continue reading

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December 2016 – Guided Walk Report

Paul Beard lead the way on the Brackenfield loop; anticlockwise for most of the participants this month. Windless conditions meant it was relatively pleasant for December. The sheer abundance of birdlife between the West Bank car park and the church … Continue reading

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Report on trip to Blacktoft Sands 23/11/16

Eight members had a fabulous day at this RSPB reserve. The weather was dry much of the time although it was quite cold especially inside the hides. Some folks actually tried going outside in an effort to warm up in … Continue reading

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