Category Archives: Trips


1st October 2016 Guided bird walk report

Leader : Nigel Cater Participants : 23 Conditions : Still and bright becoming dull and misty Birds : Blackbird , Black-headed Gull, Bluetit , Bullfinch , Buzzard , Canada Goose , Carrion Crow , Chaffinch , Chiffchaff , Coal Tit … Continue reading

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Report on trip to Frampton Marsh – 18/9/16

Eight of us had a great day at this fantastic reserve although the early risers definitely got the best pickings. It was a particularly high tide that morning with the sea coming right up to the sea wall (apparently this … Continue reading

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13/7/16 – Trip report for Blacktoft Sands

The club had a fabulous trip to this wonderful reserve but sadly enjoyed by only 4 members.  The weather was good except for a couple of showers which at Blacktoft, with its 6 hides, didn’t ‘interrupt play’. All in all, 56 … Continue reading

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7/7/16 – Second Nightjar Trip to Clumber Park

A second fully subscribed joint Ogston/DOS trip to Clumber Park this time had a delightfully warm, still evening.  Surprisingly, we were unable to fully capitalise upon this and  identified (saw/heard) only 35 different species.  However, early on we had excellent views … Continue reading

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29/6/16 – First Clumber Park Nightjar Trip Report

A fully subscribed joint Ogston/DOS trip to Clumber Park braved the dubious weather forecast and while the evening started off with the odd rain shower, the weather did turn fine later on when it really mattered.  All in all we … Continue reading

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July 2016 Guided walk report

There was a good turn out of around 25 people for the July walk, led by Paul Beard. Following recent heavy rain, with more forecast for midday, there were no objectors to the choice of the ever popular Brackenfield loop. … Continue reading

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June 2016 Guided walk report

The first half of this month’s ‘guided’ walk resembled a mystery tour. The stand-in guide had got it into his head to investigate some of the paths that he did not recall the walk taking in the last nine years. … Continue reading

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Postponed – Coombes Dale Trip – Wed 25th May

Sadly, this trip has had to be postponed. It will be rescheduled if the opportunity arises.

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Ogston walk to Padley Gorge 22nd May 2016.

We met at 8:30am in bright sunshine and we had excellent weather all morning. A good morning’s birding followed having good views of all the key Padley species including Wood Warbler. We finished at Grindleford Station around noon for the … Continue reading

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May 2016 Guided walk report

This month’s walk got off to a disappointingly chilly start and the “moderate” air quality didn’t give the best viewing conditions over the reservoir. Nevertheless the morning gradually warmed up, and with 22 pairs of eyes available the all-time May … Continue reading

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