Category Archives: Trips


5/5/16 Avenue Washlands Trip report

Gorgeous weather had been booked for this trip and it duly arrived.  Nine club members had a great time exploring (some for the first time), the hidden treasures of this reserve.  In all, 44 different species of bird were identified … Continue reading

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17/4/16 – Old Moor & Wombwell Ings Trip Report

Eight members enjoyed fabulous weather and an excellent days birding with 59 species of bird seen.  We started optimistically by visiting the Reedbed Screen hoping for Bittern and Bearded Tits but as is generally the case, we were unsuccessful.  Back … Continue reading

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Guided Walk Report 2nd April

By Jennifer Johnson Would the committee sanction heated hides and a tea wagon (including butties of course), was on the minds of the 17 bodies huddled in the main hide against the persistent rain on this grey and cold Saturday … Continue reading

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19/3/16 Derwent Trip report

Eight members assembled beside the dam wall on a dull and decidedly chilly morning to be greeted by an absolute dearth of birds.  In addition to us, a group of birders from DOS were being similarly disappointed.  Suddenly the misery … Continue reading

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March 2016 Guided walk report

No mad March hares were seen on this month’s walk, though we did get muddy and muddled as our magical mystery tour headed off to either Milltown Quarry or Highoredish. Or, as it turned out, to neither. The weather changed … Continue reading

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January 2016 Guided Walk Report

This month’s report was provided by Jenny Johnson: “I see from my birding diary that dark and wet has been the order of the day for the past two January walks, 2016 proving to be no exception, however who would … Continue reading

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December 2015 Guided Walk Report

Storm ‘Desmond’ failed to deter 12 people from setting off for the Brackenfield loop under the guidance of Paul Beard. Poor light and a strong breeze made some of the more distant identifications challenging, but at least the weather stayed … Continue reading

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Blacktoft Sands trip report – 23/11/15

The attraction of the possibility of seeing Hen Harriers wasn’t enough to woo members away from Derbyshire and so in the end only three of us went.  Arriving at mid-day with the intention of staying until last light, Blacktoft delivered … Continue reading

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Trip to Blacktoft Sands RSPB – Tues 24th Nov 2015

The aim of this trip (see Trips Diary section for details) was to see the Harriers returning to roost in the reed bed, thus the late start at 11:00 a.m. at Blacktoft.  Reports from the RSPB Blacktoft website, have recorded … Continue reading

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November 2015 Guided Walk Report

Report by Jenny Johnson, 7/11/15 Blustery winds were bound to result in our quarry hunkering down in whatever shelter presented itself. By the 10.30 rout around 22 species had been recorded including the handsome Red – breasted Goose showing well on … Continue reading

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