Category Archives: Trips


October 2015 Guided Walk Report

After the Indian Summer experienced throughout most of September it was feeling autumnal for this month’s walk, with one person wisely deciding to wear gloves. The dry conditions, good visibilty and absence of wind made the Ashover Hay circuit a … Continue reading

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September 2015 Guided Walk Report

This gallery contains 2 photos.

This month’s guided walk group noted a distinctly autumnal feel in the air as Paul Beard led seventeen souls on the ever popular Brackenfield loop. Large numbers of House Martins, Swallows and a few Sand Martins gathering over the reservoir … Continue reading

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August 2015 Guided Bird Walk

Twenty three people met in pleasant conditions for this month’s walk to the River Amber via Brackenfield Church. John Parlby gave a brief update on the recent, almost daily, sightings of an Osprey and the current opinion on where this … Continue reading

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Nightjar trip report – 9/7/15

The second of the Nightjar trips was possibly even more successful than the first.  8 members met up on the most perfect of evenings, warm and with the gentlest of breezes.  The group were so determined to beat the previous … Continue reading

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July 4th 2015 Guided Bird Walk Report

Paul Beard led the groups walk on a dry sunny morning. Attendance of fourteen was low; possibly the previous night’s lightning and heavy rain put some people off. Using footpaths and quiet roads the walk to Highoredish provided glorious views … Continue reading

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Clumber – Nightjars trip report – 25/6/15

A most successful trip with 42 species seen/heard by a mixed group of 8 OBC and DOS members.  The highlights included good but distant views of a kingfisher, a buzzard, linnets, yellow hammer, repeated sightings of a hunting barn owl, 5 … Continue reading

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Annesley Pit top Trip Report 23/6/15

5 members attended, although possibly more to support the trips organiser than with any great expectation of good birding.  However, the faithful were richly rewarded with 33 bird species recorded and the pleasure of being surrounded by a profusion of wild … Continue reading

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Padley Gorge and Lawrence Field Trip Report – 7th June 2015

Five members gathered on the railway bridge at Grindleford Station, in bright but breezy conditions, eager to sample the heavily promoted midday repast. The cafe not yet being open, Paul Beard led us off on a complex route in the … Continue reading

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June 2015 Guided Bird Walk Report

This gallery contains 3 photos.

This month’s walk will most likely be remembered as one of the best for many years. A party of 14 set off along the West Bank to the River Amber in bright sunshine and a fresh to strong breeze, with … Continue reading

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Trip Report – Nethy Bridge 17th – 24th April 2015

The trip this year was run on similar lines to that of last year but in contrast, we went mid April instead of early June which made an interesting change – some different species and no midges. Surprisingly, the weather … Continue reading

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