Category Archives: Trips


Nightjars Trip 1 Report – 26/6/14

An extremely successful trip to Clumber Park was led by John Parlby on Thursday evening 26th June.  The maximum of 10 members attended and 40 species of bird were clocked up in the 3.5 hours that we were there. Initially … Continue reading

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Padley Trip Report 2015

Eleven members gathered at Grindleford Station, and were rapidly made aware of the first disadvantage of the still overcast weather – midges! However, once underway, we seemed to be able to keep ahead of the little pests. Early on, we … Continue reading

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Scottish Trip Report – 1st – 8th June 2014

This was an incredibly successful trip which, while the group experienced some mixed weather, was nonetheless able to bird every day, clocking up 114 different species including most of the iconic birds that the Highlands are famous for.  The group … Continue reading

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Blacktoft Trip Report – 11/5/14

Ten members went on the trip and in spite of the strong breeze which blew throughout, it is fair to say that all enjoyed the day.  We were also lucky because the two heavy rain showers occurred whilst we were in … Continue reading

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3rd May Ogston Guided Bird Walk

Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant, Grey Heron, Mallard, Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Greylag Goose, Mute Swan, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Pheasant, Coot, Moorhen, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Ringed Plover, Curlew, Herring Gull, Black-headed Gull, Common Tern, Stockdove, Woodpigeon, Swift, Swallow, Carrion Crow, Rook, Jackdaw, Magpie, Great … Continue reading

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Old Moor Trip Report – 13/4/14

This was the second official trip of the year and again we were blessed with good weather although the wind was a bit strong for it to be really pleasant.  Six members managed to clock up 51 species with one … Continue reading

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March 1st Ogston Guided Bird Walk

The walk on March 1st. was led by John Parlby, due to the absence of Paul. 20 people were on the walk, which was along the West Bank to Brackenfield Church, making the right turn before turning left to Brackenfield Green, … Continue reading

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Derwent Trip report – 30/3/14

With the weather set fair, the trip could hardly do anything but succeed.  As it happened I think that it surpassed everyone’s expectations. Twelve members met up by the Derwent Dam wall and spent the first 45 minutes scanning the … Continue reading

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February 2014 Guided Bird Walk

The Ogston bird walk on the 1 February was led by Paul Beard and there were 17 who joined the walk. The weather was bright and sunny a bonus as it has been such a wet winter with standing water … Continue reading

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Alert! – Trip change

Padley Gorge – Grindleford, Derbyshire – Sun 8th June has been changed to Sun the 15th June (see below) because the selfish trip leader prefers to go birding in Scotland on that date (the trip organiser is also going, so … Continue reading

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