Category Archives: Trips


Trip Report – Rutland Water – 26/1/20

Thirteen members assembled in the car park at the allotted time and because we were so numerous, got a reduced rate for entry to the reserve.  Starting birding upstairs at the visitors centre overlooking lagoon 1, it was not long … Continue reading

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Trip Report – Frampton Marsh Sunday 25th August 2019

Well, who’d have thought it? With our regular trip organiser away on holiday, two ‘volunteers’ stepped up to the plate to lead our merry gang of birders around the ever delightful Frampton Marsh Reserve. There was little pressure on our … Continue reading

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Report on Trip to RSPB Blacktoft Sands – 25th July 2019

Fourteen members turned up on this the hottest day of the year so far. (On the return journey, my car clocked 38 deg C.) While there weren’t many birds about, perhaps as a result of the heat, nonetheless, the group … Continue reading

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Nightjar Trip Report 23rd July 2019

This is by far the latest date in the year that we’ve run a Nightjar trip and it proved to be a mistake. A full complement of members attended what proved to be the most disappointing birding trip thus far. … Continue reading

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Nightjar Trip Report – Tue 16th July 2019

Ten members of the club joined the leader for another Nightjar evening in Clumber Park.  We were all pleased to welcome a nice mild evening, a change from the last trip. Many in the  party were quietly excited, they had never … Continue reading

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Nightjar Trip Report 26/6/19

The forecast was that it would stop raining at 17:00 and then remain dry for our evening trip. At 16:30 it was still raining persistently so a quick phone call to the trip leader John Parlby and the trip was … Continue reading

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Report on Annesley Pit Top trip 21/6/19

Eight members assembled at the car park in, for this year, unseasonably, warm and sunny weather. Mind you, when the wind blew in some of the more exposed parts of the reserve, it still felt decidedly chilly. A first time … Continue reading

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Report on evening trip to Clumber 22nd May 2019

A full complement of 10 members enjoyed a warm evening in Clumber Park. Beginning in Hardwick Village, the group first heard a Cuckoo calling and then were incredibly lucky to see it posing at the top of a bush, long … Continue reading

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Report on Trip to Whisby & Langford Lowfields 17th May 2019

Nine members assembled in the car park at Whisby with the organiser counting his blessings that it had stopped raining and was actually brightening up. Walking through the early part of the reserve, an early disappointment at the lack of … Continue reading

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Guided Bird Walk – May 4th

A motley crew of 22 birders set off from a cold and breezy Car Park heading in a westerly direction towards Clattercotes Wood, just south of Ashover Hay. As we got away from the reservoir the breeze dropped slightly making … Continue reading

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